Source code for archetypal.template.dhw

"""archetypal DomesticHotWaterSetting."""

import collections
from statistics import mean

import numpy as np
from eppy import modeleditor
from sigfig import round
from validator_collection import validators

from archetypal import settings
from archetypal.template.schedule import UmiSchedule
from archetypal.template.umi_base import UmiBase
from archetypal.utils import log, reduce, timeit

[docs]class DomesticHotWaterSetting(UmiBase): """Domestic Hot Water settings. .. image:: ../images/template/zoneinfo-dhw.png """ __slots__ = ( "_flow_rate_per_floor_area", "_is_on", "_water_schedule", "_water_supply_temperature", "_water_temperature_inlet", "_area", ) def __init__( self, Name, WaterSchedule=None, IsOn=True, FlowRatePerFloorArea=0.03, WaterSupplyTemperature=65, WaterTemperatureInlet=10, area=1, **kwargs, ): """Initialize object with parameters. Args: area (float): The area the zone associated to this object. IsOn (bool): If True, dhw is on. WaterSchedule (UmiSchedule): Schedule that modulates the FlowRatePerFloorArea. FlowRatePerFloorArea (float): The flow rate per flow area [m³/(hr·m²)]. WaterSupplyTemperature (float): The water supply temperature [degC]. WaterTemperatureInlet (float): The water temperature intel from the water mains [degC]. **kwargs: keywords passed to parent constructors. """ super(DomesticHotWaterSetting, self).__init__(Name, **kwargs) self.FlowRatePerFloorArea = FlowRatePerFloorArea self.IsOn = IsOn self.WaterSupplyTemperature = WaterSupplyTemperature self.WaterTemperatureInlet = WaterTemperatureInlet self.WaterSchedule = WaterSchedule self.area = area @property def FlowRatePerFloorArea(self): """Get or set the flow rate per flow area [m³/(hr·m²)].""" return self._flow_rate_per_floor_area @FlowRatePerFloorArea.setter def FlowRatePerFloorArea(self, value): self._flow_rate_per_floor_area = validators.float(value, minimum=0) @property def IsOn(self): """Get or set the availability of the domestic hot water [bool].""" return self._is_on @IsOn.setter def IsOn(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input error with value {value}. IsOn must " f"be a boolean, not a {type(value)}" ) self._is_on = value @property def WaterSchedule(self): """Get or set the schedule which modulates the FlowRatePerFloorArea.""" return self._water_schedule @WaterSchedule.setter def WaterSchedule(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, UmiSchedule), ( f"Input error with value {value}. WaterSchedule must " f"be an UmiSchedule, not a {type(value)}" ) self._water_schedule = value @property def WaterSupplyTemperature(self): """Get or set the water supply temperature [degC].""" return self._water_supply_temperature @WaterSupplyTemperature.setter def WaterSupplyTemperature(self, value): self._water_supply_temperature = validators.float(value) @property def WaterTemperatureInlet(self): """Get or set the water temperature intel from the water mains [degC].""" return self._water_temperature_inlet @WaterTemperatureInlet.setter def WaterTemperatureInlet(self, value): self._water_temperature_inlet = validators.float(value) @property def area(self): """Get or set the area of the zone associated to this object [m²].""" return self._area @area.setter def area(self, value): self._area = validators.float(value, minimum=0)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, schedules, **kwargs): """Create a DomesticHotWaterSetting from a dictionary. Args: data (dict): The python dictionary. schedules (dict): A dictionary of UmiSchedules with their id as keys. **kwargs: keywords passed the MaterialBase constructor. """ _id = data.pop("$id") wat_sch = data.pop("WaterSchedule", None) schedule = schedules[wat_sch["$ref"]] return cls(id=_id, WaterSchedule=schedule, **data, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return DomesticHotWaterSetting dictionary representation.""" self.validate() # Validate object before trying to get json format data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() data_dict["$id"] = str( data_dict["FlowRatePerFloorArea"] = round(self.FlowRatePerFloorArea, sigfigs=4) data_dict["IsOn"] = self.IsOn data_dict["WaterSchedule"] = self.WaterSchedule.to_ref() data_dict["WaterSupplyTemperature"] = round( self.WaterSupplyTemperature, sigfigs=4 ) data_dict["WaterTemperatureInlet"] = round( self.WaterTemperatureInlet, sigfigs=4 ) data_dict["Category"] = self.Category data_dict["Comments"] = validators.string(self.Comments, allow_empty=True) data_dict["DataSource"] = self.DataSource data_dict["Name"] = self.Name return data_dict
@classmethod @timeit def from_zone(cls, zone_epbunch, **kwargs): """Create object from a zone EpBunch. WaterUse:Equipment objects referring to this zone will be parsed. Args: zone (EpBunch): The zone object. """ # If Zone is not part of Conditioned Area, it should not have a DHW object. if zone_epbunch.Part_of_Total_Floor_Area.lower() == "no": return None # First, find the WaterUse:Equipment assigned to this zone dhw_objs = zone_epbunch.getreferingobjs( iddgroups=["Water Systems"], fields=["Zone_Name"] ) if not dhw_objs: # Sometimes, some of the WaterUse:Equipment objects are not assigned to # any zone. Therefore, to account for their water usage, we can try to # assign dangling WaterUse:Equipments by looking for the zone name in the # object name. dhw_objs.extend( [ dhw for dhw in zone_epbunch.theidf.idfobjects["WATERUSE:EQUIPMENT"] if zone_epbunch.Name.lower() in dhw.Name.lower() ] ) if dhw_objs: # This zone has more than one WaterUse:Equipment object zone_area = modeleditor.zonearea(zone_epbunch.theidf, zone_epbunch.Name) total_flow_rate = cls._do_flow_rate(dhw_objs, zone_area) water_schedule = cls._do_water_schedule(dhw_objs) inlet_temp = cls._do_inlet_temp(dhw_objs) supply_temp = cls._do_hot_temp(dhw_objs) name = zone_epbunch.Name + "_DHW" z_dhw = cls( Name=name, FlowRatePerFloorArea=total_flow_rate, IsOn=bool(total_flow_rate > 0), WaterSchedule=water_schedule, WaterSupplyTemperature=supply_temp, WaterTemperatureInlet=inlet_temp,, area=zone_area, **kwargs, ) return z_dhw else: log(f"No 'Water Systems' found in zone '{zone_epbunch.Name}'") return None @classmethod def _do_hot_temp(cls, dhw_objs): """Resolve hot water temperature. Args: dhw_objs: """ hot_schds = [] for obj in dhw_objs: # Reference to the schedule object specifying the target water # temperature [C]. If blank, the target temperature defaults to # the hot water supply temperature. schedule_name = ( obj.Target_Temperature_Schedule_Name if obj.Target_Temperature_Schedule_Name != "" else obj.Hot_Water_Supply_Temperature_Schedule_Name ) epbunch = obj.theidf.schedules_dict[schedule_name.upper()] hot_schd = UmiSchedule.from_epbunch(epbunch) hot_schds.append(hot_schd) return np.array([sched.all_values.mean() for sched in hot_schds]).mean() @classmethod def _do_inlet_temp(cls, dhw_objs): """Calculate inlet water temperature.""" WaterTemperatureInlet = [] for obj in dhw_objs: if obj.Cold_Water_Supply_Temperature_Schedule_Name != "": # If a cold water supply schedule is provided, create the # schedule epbunch = obj.theidf.schedules_dict[ obj.Cold_Water_Supply_Temperature_Schedule_Name.upper() ] cold_schd_names = UmiSchedule.from_epbunch(epbunch) WaterTemperatureInlet.append(cold_schd_names.mean) else: # If blank, water temperatures are calculated by the # Site:WaterMainsTemperature object. water_mains_temps = obj.theidf.idfobjects[ "Site:WaterMainsTemperature".upper() ] if water_mains_temps: # If a "Site:WaterMainsTemperature" object exists, # do water depending on calc method: water_mains_temp = water_mains_temps[0] if water_mains_temp.Calculation_Method.lower() == "schedule": # From Schedule method mains_scd = UmiSchedule.from_epbunch( obj.theidf.schedules_dict[ water_mains_temp.Schedule_Name.upper() ] ) WaterTemperatureInlet.append(mains_scd.mean()) elif water_mains_temp.Calculation_Method.lower() == "correlation": # From Correlation method mean_outair_temp = ( water_mains_temp.Annual_Average_Outdoor_Air_Temperature ) max_dif = ( water_mains_temp.Maximum_Difference_In_Monthly_Average_Outdoor_Air_Temperatures ) WaterTemperatureInlet.append( water_main_correlation(mean_outair_temp, max_dif).mean() ) else: # Else, there is no Site:WaterMainsTemperature object in # the input file, a default constant value of 10 C is # assumed. WaterTemperatureInlet.append(float(10)) return mean(WaterTemperatureInlet) if WaterTemperatureInlet else 10 @classmethod def _do_water_schedule(cls, dhw_objs): """Return the WaterSchedule for a list of WaterUse:Equipment objects. If more than one objects are passed, a combined schedule is returned Args: dhw_objs (list of EpBunch): List of WaterUse:Equipment objects. Returns: UmiSchedule: The WaterSchedule """ water_schds = [ UmiSchedule.from_epbunch( obj.theidf.schedules_dict[obj.Flow_Rate_Fraction_Schedule_Name.upper()], quantity=obj.Peak_Flow_Rate, ) for obj in dhw_objs ] return reduce( UmiSchedule.combine, water_schds, weights=None, quantity=True, ) @classmethod def _do_flow_rate(cls, dhw_objs, area): """Calculate total flow rate from list of WaterUse:Equipment objects. The zone's net_conditioned_building_area property is used to normalize the flow rate. Args: dhw_objs (Idf_MSequence): """ total_flow_rate = 0 for obj in dhw_objs: total_flow_rate += obj.Peak_Flow_Rate # m3/s total_flow_rate /= area # m3/s/m2 total_flow_rate *= 3600.0 # m3/h/m2 return total_flow_rate
[docs] def combine(self, other, **kwargs): """Combine two DomesticHotWaterSetting objects together. Notes: When combining 2 DomesticHotWater Settings objects, the WaterSchedule must be averaged via the final quantity which is the peak floor rate [m3/hr/m2] * area [m2]. .. code-block:: python ( np.average( [zone_1.WaterSchedule.all_values, zone_2.WaterSchedule.all_values], axis=0, weights=[ zone_1.FlowRatePerFloorArea * zone_1.area, zone_2.FlowRatePerFloorArea * zone_2.area, ], ) * (combined.FlowRatePerFloorArea * 100) ).sum() Args: other (DomesticHotWaterSetting): The other object. **kwargs: keywords passed to the constructor. Returns: (DomesticHotWaterSetting): a new combined object. """ # Check if other is None. Simply return self if not other: return self if not self: return other # Check if other is the same type as self if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): msg = "Cannot combine %s with %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__, ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Check if other is not the same as self if self == other: return self meta = self._get_predecessors_meta(other) new_obj = DomesticHotWaterSetting( WaterSchedule=UmiSchedule.combine( self.WaterSchedule, other.WaterSchedule, weights=[ self.FlowRatePerFloorArea * self.area, other.FlowRatePerFloorArea * other.area, ], ), IsOn=any((self.IsOn, other.IsOn)), FlowRatePerFloorArea=self.float_mean( other, "FlowRatePerFloorArea", [self.area, other.area] ), WaterSupplyTemperature=self.float_mean( other, "WaterSupplyTemperature", [self.area, other.area] ), WaterTemperatureInlet=self.float_mean( other, "WaterTemperatureInlet", [self.area, other.area] ), area=self.area + other.area, **meta, ) new_obj.predecessors.update(self.predecessors + other.predecessors) return new_obj
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate object and fill in missing values.""" return self
[docs] @classmethod def whole_building(cls, idf): """Create one DomesticHotWaterSetting for whole building model. Args: idf (IDF): The idf model. Returns: DomesticHotWaterSetting: The DomesticHotWaterSetting object. """ # Unconditioned area could be zero, therefore taking max of both area = max(idf.net_conditioned_building_area, idf.unconditioned_building_area) z_dhw_list = [] dhw_objs = idf.idfobjects["WaterUse:Equipment".upper()] if not dhw_objs: # defaults with 0 flow rate. total_flow_rate = 0 water_schedule = UmiSchedule.constant_schedule() supply_temp = 60 inlet_temp = 10 name = + "_DHW" z_dhw = DomesticHotWaterSetting( WaterSchedule=water_schedule, IsOn=bool(total_flow_rate > 0), FlowRatePerFloorArea=total_flow_rate, WaterSupplyTemperature=supply_temp, WaterTemperatureInlet=inlet_temp, area=area, Name=name,, ) z_dhw_list.append(z_dhw) else: total_flow_rate = DomesticHotWaterSetting._do_flow_rate(dhw_objs, area) water_schedule = DomesticHotWaterSetting._do_water_schedule(dhw_objs) water_schedule.quantity = total_flow_rate inlet_temp = DomesticHotWaterSetting._do_inlet_temp(dhw_objs) supply_temp = DomesticHotWaterSetting._do_hot_temp(dhw_objs) z_dhw = DomesticHotWaterSetting( WaterSchedule=water_schedule, IsOn=bool(total_flow_rate > 0), FlowRatePerFloorArea=total_flow_rate, WaterSupplyTemperature=supply_temp, WaterTemperatureInlet=inlet_temp, area=area, Name="Whole Building WaterUse:Equipment",, ) z_dhw_list.append(z_dhw) return reduce(DomesticHotWaterSetting.combine, z_dhw_list)
[docs] def mapping(self, validate=True): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr. Args: validate (bool): If True, try to validate object before returning the mapping. """ if validate: self.validate() return dict( FlowRatePerFloorArea=self.FlowRatePerFloorArea, IsOn=self.IsOn, WaterSchedule=self.WaterSchedule, WaterSupplyTemperature=self.WaterSupplyTemperature, WaterTemperatureInlet=self.WaterTemperatureInlet, Category=self.Category, Comments=self.Comments, DataSource=self.DataSource, Name=self.Name, )
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__copy__()
def __add__(self, other): """Overload + to implement self.combine. Args: other (DomesticHotWaterSetting): """ return self.combine( other, ) def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash( (self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "Name", None), self.DataSource) ) def __key__(self): """Get a tuple of attributes. Useful for hashing and comparing.""" return ( self.IsOn, self.FlowRatePerFloorArea, self.WaterSupplyTemperature, self.WaterTemperatureInlet, self.WaterSchedule, ) def __eq__(self, other): """Assert self is equivalent to other.""" if not isinstance(other, DomesticHotWaterSetting): return NotImplemented else: return self.__key__() == other.__key__() def __str__(self): """Return string representation.""" return ( f"{str(}: {str(self.Name)} " f"PeakFlow {self.FlowRatePerFloorArea:.5f} m3/hr/m2" ) def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of self.""" return self.__class__(**self.mapping(validate=False))
def water_main_correlation(t_out_avg, max_diff): """Based on the correlation developed by Craig Christensen and Jay Burch. Returns a 365 days temperature profile. Info: /water-systems.html#water-mains-temperatures Args: t_out_avg (float): average annual outdoor air temperature (°C). max_diff (float): maximum difference in monthly average outdoor air temperatures (°C). Returns: (pd.Series): water mains temperature profile. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd Q_ = settings.unit_registry.Quantity t_out_avg_F = Q_(t_out_avg, "degC").to("degF") max_diff_F = Q_(max_diff, "delta_degC").to("delta_degF") ratio = 0.4 + 0.01 * (t_out_avg_F.m - 44) lag = 35 - 1.0 * (t_out_avg_F.m - 44) days = np.arange(1, 365) def function(t_out_avg, day, max_diff): return (t_out_avg + 6) + ratio * (max_diff / 2) * np.sin( np.deg2rad(0.986 * (day - 15 - lag) - 90) ) mains = [Q_(function(t_out_avg_F.m, day, max_diff_F.m), "degF") for day in days] series = pd.Series(["degC").m for temp in mains]) return series