Source code for archetypal.template.structure

"""archetypal StructureInformation."""

import collections

from validator_collection import validators

from archetypal.template.constructions.base_construction import ConstructionBase
from archetypal.template.materials.opaque_material import OpaqueMaterial

[docs]class MassRatio(object): """Handles the properties of the mass ratio for building template structure.""" __slots__ = ("_high_load_ratio", "_material", "_normal_ratio") def __init__(self, HighLoadRatio=None, Material=None, NormalRatio=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a MassRatio object with parameters. Args: HighLoadRatio (float): Material (OpaqueMaterial): NormalRatio (float): """ self.HighLoadRatio = HighLoadRatio self.Material = Material self.NormalRatio = NormalRatio @property def HighLoadRatio(self): """Get or set the high load ratio [kg/m2].""" return self._high_load_ratio @HighLoadRatio.setter def HighLoadRatio(self, value): self._high_load_ratio = validators.float(value, minimum=0) @property def Material(self): """Get or set the structure OpaqueMaterial.""" return self._material @Material.setter def Material(self, value): assert isinstance( value, OpaqueMaterial ), f"Material must be of type OpaqueMaterial, not {type(value)}" self._material = value @property def NormalRatio(self): """Get or set the normal load ratio [kg/m2].""" return self._normal_ratio @NormalRatio.setter def NormalRatio(self, value): self._normal_ratio = validators.float(value, minimum=0) def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash(self.__key__()) def __key__(self): """Get a tuple of attributes. Useful for hashing and comparing.""" return ( self.HighLoadRatio, self.Material, self.NormalRatio, ) def __eq__(self, other): """Assert self is equivalent to other.""" if not isinstance(other, MassRatio): return NotImplemented else: return self.__key__() == other.__key__() def __iter__(self): """Iterate over attributes. Yields tuple of (keys, value).""" for k, v in self.mapping().items(): yield k, v
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return MassRatio dictionary representation.""" return collections.OrderedDict( HighLoadRatio=self.HighLoadRatio, Material={"$ref": str(}, NormalRatio=self.NormalRatio, )
[docs] def mapping(self): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr.""" return dict( HighLoadRatio=self.HighLoadRatio, Material=self.Material, NormalRatio=self.NormalRatio, )
[docs] def get_unique(self): """Return the first of all the created objects that is equivalent to self.""" return self
[docs] @classmethod def generic(cls): """Create generic MassRatio object.""" mat = OpaqueMaterial( Name="Steel General", Conductivity=45.3, SpecificHeat=500, SolarAbsorptance=0.4, ThermalEmittance=0.9, VisibleAbsorptance=0.4, Roughness="Rough", Cost=0, Density=7830, MoistureDiffusionResistance=50, EmbodiedCarbon=1.37, EmbodiedEnergy=20.1, TransportCarbon=0.067, TransportDistance=500, TransportEnergy=0.94, SubstitutionRatePattern=[1], SubstitutionTimestep=100, DataSource="BostonTemplateLibrary.json", ) return cls(HighLoadRatio=305, Material=mat, NormalRatio=305)
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__copy__()
def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of self.""" return self.__class__(self.HighLoadRatio, self.Material, self.NormalRatio)
[docs]class StructureInformation(ConstructionBase): """Building Structure settings. .. image:: ../images/template/constructions-structure.png """ __slots__ = ("_mass_ratios",) def __init__(self, Name, MassRatios, **kwargs): """Initialize object. Args: MassRatios (list of MassRatio): MassRatio object. **kwargs: keywords passed to the ConstructionBase constructor. """ super(StructureInformation, self).__init__(Name, **kwargs) self.MassRatios = MassRatios @property def MassRatios(self): """Get or set the list of MassRatios.""" return self._mass_ratios @MassRatios.setter def MassRatios(self, value): assert isinstance(value, list), "mass_ratio must be of a list of MassRatio" self._mass_ratios = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, materials, **kwargs): """Create StructureInformation from a dictionary. Args: data (dict): A python dictionary. materials (dict): A dictionary of python OpaqueMaterials with their id as keys. **kwargs: keywords passed to parent constructors. """ mass_ratio_ref = data.pop("MassRatios") mass_ratios = [ MassRatio( HighLoadRatio=massratio["HighLoadRatio"], Material=materials[massratio["Material"]["$ref"]], NormalRatio=massratio["NormalRatio"], ) for massratio in mass_ratio_ref ] _id = data.pop("$id") return cls(MassRatios=mass_ratios, id=_id, **data, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return StructureInformation dictionary representation.""" self.validate() # Validate object before trying to get json format data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() data_dict["$id"] = str( data_dict["MassRatios"] = [mass.to_dict() for mass in self.MassRatios] data_dict["AssemblyCarbon"] = self.AssemblyCarbon data_dict["AssemblyCost"] = self.AssemblyCost data_dict["AssemblyEnergy"] = self.AssemblyEnergy data_dict["DisassemblyCarbon"] = self.DisassemblyCarbon data_dict["DisassemblyEnergy"] = self.DisassemblyEnergy data_dict["Category"] = self.Category data_dict["Comments"] = validators.string(self.Comments, allow_empty=True) data_dict["DataSource"] = self.DataSource data_dict["Name"] = self.Name return data_dict
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate object and fill in missing values.""" return self
[docs] def mapping(self, validate=True): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr. Args: validate (bool): If True, try to validate object before returning the mapping. """ if validate: self.validate() return dict( MassRatios=self.MassRatios, AssemblyCarbon=self.AssemblyCarbon, AssemblyCost=self.AssemblyCost, AssemblyEnergy=self.AssemblyEnergy, DisassemblyCarbon=self.DisassemblyCarbon, DisassemblyEnergy=self.DisassemblyEnergy, Category=self.Category, Comments=self.Comments, DataSource=self.DataSource, Name=self.Name, )
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__copy__()
def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash( (self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "Name", None), self.DataSource) ) def __eq__(self, other): """Assert self is equivalent to other.""" if not isinstance(other, StructureInformation): return NotImplemented else: return all( [ self.AssemblyCarbon == other.AssemblyCarbon, self.AssemblyCost == other.AssemblyCost, self.AssemblyEnergy == other.AssemblyEnergy, self.DisassemblyCarbon == other.DisassemblyCarbon, self.DisassemblyEnergy == other.DisassemblyEnergy, self.MassRatios == other.MassRatios, ] ) def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of self.""" return self.__class__(**self.mapping(validate=False))