Source code for archetypal.template.zone_construction_set

"""archetypal ZoneConstructionSet."""

import collections
import logging as lg

from validator_collection import validators

from archetypal.template.constructions.opaque_construction import OpaqueConstruction
from archetypal.template.umi_base import UmiBase
from archetypal.utils import log, reduce, timeit

[docs]class ZoneConstructionSet(UmiBase): """ZoneConstructionSet class.""" __slots__ = ( "_facade", "_ground", "_partition", "_roof", "_slab", "_is_facade_adiabatic", "_is_ground_adiabatic", "_is_partition_adiabatic", "_is_roof_adiabatic", "_is_slab_adiabatic", "_area", "_volume", ) def __init__( self, Name, Facade=None, Ground=None, Partition=None, Roof=None, Slab=None, IsFacadeAdiabatic=False, IsGroundAdiabatic=False, IsPartitionAdiabatic=False, IsRoofAdiabatic=False, IsSlabAdiabatic=False, area=1, volume=1, **kwargs, ): """Create a ZoneConstructionSet object. Args: Name (str): Name of the object. Must be Unique. Facade (OpaqueConstruction): The OpaqueConstruction object representing a facade. Ground (OpaqueConstruction): The OpaqueConstruction object representing a ground floor. Partition (OpaqueConstruction): The OpaqueConstruction object representing a partition wall. Roof (OpaqueConstruction): The OpaqueConstruction object representing a roof. Slab (OpaqueConstruction): The OpaqueConstruction object representing a slab. IsFacadeAdiabatic (bool): If True, surface is adiabatic. IsGroundAdiabatic (bool): If True, surface is adiabatic. IsPartitionAdiabatic (bool): If True, surface is adiabatic. IsRoofAdiabatic (bool): If True, surface is adiabatic. IsSlabAdiabatic (bool): If True, surface is adiabatic. **kwargs: """ super(ZoneConstructionSet, self).__init__(Name, **kwargs) self.Slab = Slab self.IsSlabAdiabatic = IsSlabAdiabatic self.Roof = Roof self.IsRoofAdiabatic = IsRoofAdiabatic self.Partition = Partition self.IsPartitionAdiabatic = IsPartitionAdiabatic self.Ground = Ground self.IsGroundAdiabatic = IsGroundAdiabatic self.Facade = Facade self.IsFacadeAdiabatic = IsFacadeAdiabatic self.area = area self.volume = volume @property def Facade(self): """Get or set the Facade OpaqueConstruction.""" return self._facade @Facade.setter def Facade(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, OpaqueConstruction), ( f"Input value error for {value}. Facade must be" f" an OpaqueConstruction, not a {type(value)}" ) self._facade = value @property def Ground(self): """Get or set the Ground OpaqueConstruction.""" return self._ground @Ground.setter def Ground(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, OpaqueConstruction), ( f"Input value error for {value}. Ground must be" f" an OpaqueConstruction, not a {type(value)}" ) self._ground = value @property def Partition(self): """Get or set the Partition OpaqueConstruction.""" return self._partition @Partition.setter def Partition(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, OpaqueConstruction), ( f"Input value error for {value}. Partition must be" f" an OpaqueConstruction, not a {type(value)}" ) self._partition = value @property def Roof(self): """Get or set the Roof OpaqueConstruction.""" return self._roof @Roof.setter def Roof(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, OpaqueConstruction), ( f"Input value error for {value}. Roof must be" f" an OpaqueConstruction, not a {type(value)}" ) self._roof = value @property def Slab(self): """Get or set the Slab OpaqueConstruction.""" return self._slab @Slab.setter def Slab(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, OpaqueConstruction), ( f"Input value error for {value}. Slab must be" f" an OpaqueConstruction, not a {type(value)}" ) self._slab = value @property def IsFacadeAdiabatic(self): """Get or set is facade adiabatic [bool].""" return self._is_facade_adiabatic @IsFacadeAdiabatic.setter def IsFacadeAdiabatic(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input value error for {value}. " f"IsFacadeAdiabatic must be of type bool, " f"not {type(value)}." ) self._is_facade_adiabatic = value @property def IsGroundAdiabatic(self): """Get or set is ground adiabatic [bool].""" return self._is_ground_adiabatic @IsGroundAdiabatic.setter def IsGroundAdiabatic(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input value error for {value}. " f"IsGroundAdiabatic must be of type bool, " f"not {type(value)}." ) self._is_ground_adiabatic = value @property def IsPartitionAdiabatic(self): """Get or set is partition adiabatic [bool].""" return self._is_partition_adiabatic @IsPartitionAdiabatic.setter def IsPartitionAdiabatic(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input value error for {value}. " f"IsPartitionAdiabatic must be of type bool, " f"not {type(value)}." ) self._is_partition_adiabatic = value @property def IsRoofAdiabatic(self): """Get or set is roof adiabatic [bool].""" return self._is_roof_adiabatic @IsRoofAdiabatic.setter def IsRoofAdiabatic(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input value error for {value}. " f"IsRoofAdiabatic must be of type bool, " f"not {type(value)}." ) self._is_roof_adiabatic = value @property def IsSlabAdiabatic(self): """Get or set is slab adiabatic [bool].""" return self._is_slab_adiabatic @IsSlabAdiabatic.setter def IsSlabAdiabatic(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), ( f"Input value error for {value}. " f"IsSlabAdiabatic must be of type bool, " f"not {type(value)}." ) self._is_slab_adiabatic = value @property def area(self): """Get or set the area of the zone [m²].""" return self._area @area.setter def area(self, value): self._area = validators.float(value, minimum=0) @property def volume(self): """Get or set the volume of the zone [m³].""" return self._volume @volume.setter def volume(self, value): self._volume = validators.float(value, minimum=0) @classmethod @timeit def from_zone(cls, zone, **kwargs): """Create a ZoneConstructionSet from a ZoneDefinition object. Args: zone (ZoneDefinition): """ name = zone.Name + "_ZoneConstructionSet" # dispatch surfaces facade, ground, partition, roof, slab = [], [], [], [], [] zonesurfaces = zone.zone_surfaces for surf in zonesurfaces: disp_surf = SurfaceDispatcher(surf, zone).resolved_surface if disp_surf: if disp_surf.Category == "Facade": if zone.is_part_of_conditioned_floor_area: facade.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Category == "Ground": ground.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Category == "Partition": partition.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Category == "Roof": roof.append(disp_surf) elif disp_surf.Category == "Slab": slab.append(disp_surf) else: msg = ( 'Surface Type "{}" is not known, this method is not' " implemented".format(disp_surf.Surface_Type) ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Returning a set() for each groups of Constructions. facades = set(facade) if facades: facade = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, facades) else: facade = None grounds = set(ground) if grounds: ground = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, grounds) else: ground = None partitions = set(partition) if partitions: partition = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, partitions) else: partition = None roofs = set(roof) if roofs: roof = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, roofs) else: roof = None slabs = set(slab) if slabs: slab = reduce(OpaqueConstruction.combine, slabs) else: slab = None z_set = cls( Facade=facade, Ground=ground, Partition=partition, Roof=roof, Slab=slab, Name=name, zone=zone, Category=zone.DataSource, **kwargs, ) return z_set
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, opaque_constructions, **kwargs): """Create a ZoneConstructionSet from a dictionary. Args: data (dict): The python dictionary. opaque_constructions (dict): A dictionary of OpaqueConstruction with their id as keys. **kwargs: keywords passed parent constructor. .. code-block:: python { "$id": "168", "Facade": { "$ref": "35" }, "Ground": { "$ref": "42" }, "Partition": { "$ref": "48" }, "Roof": { "$ref": "39" }, "Slab": { "$ref": "45" }, "IsFacadeAdiabatic": false, "IsGroundAdiabatic": false, "IsPartitionAdiabatic": false, "IsRoofAdiabatic": false, "IsSlabAdiabatic": false, "Category": "Office Spaces", "Comments": null, "DataSource": "MIT_SDL", "Name": "B_Off_0 constructions" } """ _id = data.pop("$id") facade = opaque_constructions[data.pop("Facade")["$ref"]] ground = opaque_constructions[data.pop("Ground")["$ref"]] partition = opaque_constructions[data.pop("Partition")["$ref"]] roof = opaque_constructions[data.pop("Roof")["$ref"]] slab = opaque_constructions[data.pop("Slab")["$ref"]] return cls( id=_id, Facade=facade, Ground=ground, Partition=partition, Roof=roof, Slab=slab, **data, **kwargs, )
[docs] def combine(self, other, weights=None, **kwargs): """Combine two ZoneConstructionSet objects together. Args: other (ZoneConstructionSet): kwargs: keywords passed to constructor. Returns: (ZoneConstructionSet): the combined ZoneConstructionSet object. """ # Check if other is None. Simply return self if not self and not other: return None elif self == other: area = 1 if self.area + other.area == 2 else self.area + other.area volume = ( 1 if self.volume + other.volume == 2 else self.volume + other.volume ) new_obj = self.duplicate() new_obj.area = area new_obj.volume = volume return new_obj elif not self or not other: new_obj = (self or other).duplicate() return new_obj # Check if other is the same type as self if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): msg = "Cannot combine %s with %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__, ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) meta = self._get_predecessors_meta(other) # create a new object with the combined attributes new_obj = self.__class__( Slab=OpaqueConstruction.combine(self.Slab, other.Slab), IsSlabAdiabatic=any([self.IsSlabAdiabatic, other.IsSlabAdiabatic]), Roof=OpaqueConstruction.combine(self.Roof, other.Roof), IsRoofAdiabatic=any([self.IsRoofAdiabatic, other.IsRoofAdiabatic]), Partition=OpaqueConstruction.combine(self.Partition, other.Partition), IsPartitionAdiabatic=any( [self.IsPartitionAdiabatic, other.IsPartitionAdiabatic] ), Ground=OpaqueConstruction.combine(self.Ground, other.Ground), IsGroundAdiabatic=any([self.IsGroundAdiabatic, other.IsGroundAdiabatic]), Facade=OpaqueConstruction.combine(self.Facade, other.Facade), IsFacadeAdiabatic=any([self.IsFacadeAdiabatic, other.IsFacadeAdiabatic]), area=1 if self.area + other.area == 2 else self.area + other.area, volume=1 if self.volume + other.volume == 2 else self.volume + other.volume, **meta, **kwargs, allow_duplicates=self.allow_duplicates, ) new_obj.predecessors.update(self.predecessors + other.predecessors) return new_obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return ZoneConstructionSet dictionary representation.""" self.validate() data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() data_dict["$id"] = str( data_dict["Facade"] = {"$ref": str(} data_dict["Ground"] = {"$ref": str(} data_dict["Partition"] = {"$ref": str(} data_dict["Roof"] = {"$ref": str(} data_dict["Slab"] = {"$ref": str(} data_dict["IsFacadeAdiabatic"] = self.IsFacadeAdiabatic data_dict["IsGroundAdiabatic"] = self.IsGroundAdiabatic data_dict["IsPartitionAdiabatic"] = self.IsPartitionAdiabatic data_dict["IsRoofAdiabatic"] = self.IsRoofAdiabatic data_dict["IsSlabAdiabatic"] = self.IsSlabAdiabatic data_dict["Category"] = self.Category data_dict["Comments"] = validators.string(self.Comments, allow_empty=True) data_dict["DataSource"] = self.DataSource data_dict["Name"] = self.Name return data_dict
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate object and fill in missing values.""" for attr in ["Slab", "Roof", "Partition", "Ground", "Facade"]: if getattr(self, attr) is None: # First try to get one from another zone that has the attr zone = next( iter( filter( lambda x: getattr(x, attr, None) is not None, UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS, ) ), None, ) if zone: setattr(self, attr, getattr(zone, attr)) else: # If not, default to a generic construction for last resort. setattr(self, attr, OpaqueConstruction.generic()) log( f"While validating {self}, the required attribute " f"'{attr}' was filled " f"with {getattr(self, attr)}", lg.DEBUG, ) return self
[docs] def mapping(self, validate=True): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr. Args: validate (bool): If True, try to validate object before returning the mapping. """ if validate: self.validate() return dict( Facade=self.Facade, Ground=self.Ground, Partition=self.Partition, Roof=self.Roof, Slab=self.Slab, IsFacadeAdiabatic=self.IsFacadeAdiabatic, IsGroundAdiabatic=self.IsGroundAdiabatic, IsPartitionAdiabatic=self.IsPartitionAdiabatic, IsRoofAdiabatic=self.IsRoofAdiabatic, IsSlabAdiabatic=self.IsSlabAdiabatic, Category=self.Category, Comments=self.Comments, DataSource=self.DataSource, Name=self.Name, )
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__copy__()
def __key__(self): """Get a tuple of attributes. Useful for hashing and comparing.""" return ( self.Slab, self.IsSlabAdiabatic, self.Roof, self.IsRoofAdiabatic, self.Partition, self.IsPartitionAdiabatic, self.Ground, self.IsGroundAdiabatic, self.Facade, self.IsFacadeAdiabatic, ) def __add__(self, other): """Overload + to implement self.combine. Args: other: """ return self.combine(other) def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash( (self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "Name", None), self.DataSource) ) def __eq__(self, other): """Assert self is equivalent to other.""" if not isinstance(other, ZoneConstructionSet): return NotImplemented else: return self.__key__() == other.__key__() def __copy__(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__class__(**self.mapping(validate=False))
class SurfaceDispatcher: """Surface dispatcher class.""" __slots__ = ("surf", "zone", "_dispatch") def __init__(self, surf, zone): """Initialize a surface dispatcher object.""" = surf = zone # dispatch map self._dispatch = { ("Wall", "Outdoors"): self._do_facade, ("Floor", "Ground"): self._do_ground, ("Floor", "Outdoors"): self._do_ground, ("Floor", "Foundation"): self._do_ground, ("Floor", "OtherSideCoefficients"): self._do_ground, ("Floor", "GroundSlabPreprocessorAverage"): self._do_ground, ("Floor", "Surface"): self._do_slab, ("Floor", "Adiabatic"): self._do_slab, ("Floor", "Zone"): self._do_slab, ("Wall", "Adiabatic"): self._do_partition, ("Wall", "Surface"): self._do_partition, ("Wall", "Zone"): self._do_partition, ("Wall", "Ground"): self._do_basement, ("Wall", "GroundFCfactorMethod"): self._do_basement, ("Roof", "Outdoors"): self._do_roof, ("Roof", "Zone"): self._do_roof, ("Roof", "Surface"): self._do_roof, ("Ceiling", "Adiabatic"): self._do_slab, ("Ceiling", "Surface"): self._do_slab, ("Ceiling", "Zone"): self._do_slab, } @property def resolved_surface(self): """Generate a resolved surface. Yields value.""" if not in ["INTERNALMASS", "WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL"]: a, b = (["Surface_Type"].capitalize(),["Outside_Boundary_Condition"], ) try: return self._dispatch[a, b]( except KeyError as e: raise NotImplementedError( "surface '%s' in zone '%s' not supported by surface dispatcher " "with keys %s" % (,, e) ) @staticmethod def _do_facade(surf): log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Facade' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.theidf.getobject("Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name) ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Category = "Facade" return oc @staticmethod def _do_ground(surf): log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Ground' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.get_referenced_object("Construction_Name") ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Category = "Ground" return oc @staticmethod def _do_partition(surf): the_construction = surf.theidf.getobject( "Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name ) if the_construction: oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch(the_construction) oc.area = surf.area oc.Category = "Partition" log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Partition' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) return oc else: # we might be in a situation where the construction does not exist in the # file. For example, this can happen when the construction is defined as # "Air Wall", which is a construction type internal to EnergyPlus. return None @staticmethod def _do_roof(surf): log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Roof' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.theidf.getobject("Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name) ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Category = "Roof" return oc @staticmethod def _do_slab(surf): log( 'surface "%s" assigned as a Slab' % surf.Name, lg.DEBUG,, ) oc = OpaqueConstruction.from_epbunch( surf.theidf.getobject("Construction".upper(), surf.Construction_Name) ) oc.area = surf.area oc.Category = "Slab" return oc @staticmethod def _do_basement(surf): log( 'surface "%s" ignored because basement facades are not supported' % surf.Name, lg.WARNING,, ) oc = None return oc