Source code for archetypal.umi_template

"""UmiTemplateLibrary Module."""

import json
import logging as lg
from collections import OrderedDict
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor

from import get_handle
from path import Path

from archetypal import settings
from archetypal.eplus_interface.exceptions import EnergyPlusProcessError
from archetypal.idfclass.idf import IDF
from archetypal.template.building_template import BuildingTemplate
from archetypal.template.conditioning import ZoneConditioning
from archetypal.template.constructions.opaque_construction import OpaqueConstruction
from archetypal.template.constructions.window_construction import WindowConstruction
from archetypal.template.dhw import DomesticHotWaterSetting
from archetypal.template.load import ZoneLoad
from archetypal.template.materials.gas_layer import GasLayer
from archetypal.template.materials.gas_material import GasMaterial
from archetypal.template.materials.glazing_material import GlazingMaterial
from archetypal.template.materials.material_layer import MaterialLayer
from archetypal.template.materials.opaque_material import OpaqueMaterial
from archetypal.template.schedule import (
from archetypal.template.structure import MassRatio, StructureInformation
from archetypal.template.umi_base import UmiBase, UniqueName
from archetypal.template.ventilation import VentilationSetting
from archetypal.template.window_setting import WindowSetting
from archetypal.template.zone_construction_set import ZoneConstructionSet
from archetypal.template.zonedefinition import ZoneDefinition
from archetypal.utils import CustomJSONEncoder, log, parallel_process

[docs]class UmiTemplateLibrary: """Handles parsing and creating Template Library Files for UMI for Rhino. - See :meth:`open` to parse existing Umi Template Library files (.json). - See :meth:`from_idf_files` to create a library by converting existing IDF models. """ _LIB_GROUPS = [ "GasMaterials", "GlazingMaterials", "OpaqueMaterials", "OpaqueConstructions", "WindowConstructions", "StructureInformations", "DaySchedules", "WeekSchedules", "YearSchedules", "DomesticHotWaterSettings", "VentilationSettings", "ZoneConditionings", "ZoneConstructionSets", "ZoneLoads", "ZoneDefinitions", "WindowSettings", "BuildingTemplates", ] def __init__( self, name="unnamed", BuildingTemplates=None, GasMaterials=None, GlazingMaterials=None, OpaqueConstructions=None, OpaqueMaterials=None, WindowConstructions=None, StructureInformations=None, DaySchedules=None, WeekSchedules=None, YearSchedules=None, DomesticHotWaterSettings=None, VentilationSettings=None, WindowSettings=None, ZoneConditionings=None, ZoneConstructionSets=None, ZoneLoads=None, ZoneDefinitions=None, ): """Initialize a new UmiTemplateLibrary with empty attributes. Args: name (str): The name of the UMI Template. BuildingTemplates (list of BuildingTemplate): list of BuildingTemplate objects. GasMaterials (list of GasMaterial): list of GasMaterial objects. GlazingMaterials (list of GlazingMaterial): list of GlazingMaterial objects. OpaqueConstructions (list of OpaqueConstruction): list of OpaqueConstruction objects. OpaqueMaterials (list of OpaqueMaterial): list of OpaqueMaterial objects. WindowConstructions (list of WindowConstruction): list of WindowConstruction objects. StructureInformations (list of StructureInformation): list of StructureInformation objects. DaySchedules (list of DaySchedule): list of DaySchedule objects. WeekSchedules (list of WeekSchedule): list of WeekSchedule objects. YearSchedules (list of YearSchedule): list of YearSchedule objects. DomesticHotWaterSettings (list of DomesticHotWaterSetting): list of DomesticHotWaterSetting objects. VentilationSettings (list of VentilationSetting): list of VentilationSetting objects. WindowSettings (list of WindowSetting): list of WindowSetting objects. ZoneConditionings (list of ZoneConditioning): list of ZoneConditioning objects. ZoneConstructionSets (list of ZoneConstructionSet): list of ZoneConstructionSet objects. ZoneLoads (list of ZoneLoad): list of ZoneLoad objects. ZoneDefinitions (list of ZoneDefinition): list of Zone objects """ self.idf_files = [] = name self.ZoneDefinitions = ZoneDefinitions or [] self.ZoneLoads = ZoneLoads or [] self.ZoneConstructionSets = ZoneConstructionSets or [] self.ZoneConditionings = ZoneConditionings or [] self.WindowSettings = WindowSettings or [] self.VentilationSettings = VentilationSettings or [] self.DomesticHotWaterSettings = DomesticHotWaterSettings or [] self.UmiSchedules = [] # placeholder for UmiSchedules self.YearSchedules = YearSchedules or [] self.WeekSchedules = WeekSchedules or [] self.DaySchedules = DaySchedules or [] self.StructureInformations = StructureInformations or [] self.WindowConstructions = WindowConstructions or [] self.OpaqueMaterials = OpaqueMaterials or [] self.OpaqueConstructions = OpaqueConstructions or [] self.BuildingTemplates = BuildingTemplates or [] self.GasMaterials = GasMaterials or [] self.GlazingMaterials = GlazingMaterials or [] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over component groups. Yields tuple of (group, value).""" for group in self._LIB_GROUPS: yield group, self.__dict__[group] def _clear_components_list(self, except_groups=None): """Clear components lists except except_groups.""" if except_groups is None: except_groups = [] exception = ["BuildingTemplates"] exception.extend(except_groups) for key, group in self: if key not in exception: setattr(self, key, [])
[docs] @classmethod def from_idf_files( cls, idf_files, weather, name="unnamed", processors=-1, keep_all_zones=False, **kwargs, ): """Initialize an UmiTemplateLibrary object from one or more idf_files. The resulting object contains the reduced version of the IDF files. To save to file, call the :meth:`save` method. Important: When using :meth:`from_idf_files` The idf files are striped of run period modifiers and special days to return simple annual schedules. Args: idf_files (list of (str or Path)): list of IDF file paths. weather (str or Path): Path to the weather file. name (str): The name of the Template File processors (int): Number of cores. Defaults to -1, all cores. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to IDF(). Raises: Exception: All exceptions are raised if settings.debug=True. Will raise an exception if all BuildingTemplates failed to be created. """ # instantiate class umi_template = cls(name) # if parallel is True, run eplus in parallel in_dict = {} for i, idf_file in enumerate(idf_files): in_dict[idf_file] = dict( idfname=idf_file, epw=weather, verbose=False, position=i, nolimit=True, keep_data_err=True, # For debugging readvars=False, # No need to readvars since only sql is used **kwargs, ) results = parallel_process( in_dict, cls.template_complexity_reduction, processors=processors, use_kwargs=True, debug=True, position=None, executor=ThreadPoolExecutor, ) for res in results: if isinstance(res, EnergyPlusProcessError): filename = (settings.logs_folder / "failed_reduce.txt").expand() with open(filename, "a") as file: file.writelines(res.write()) log(f"EnergyPlusProcess errors listed in {filename}") elif isinstance(res, Exception): if settings.debug: raise res else: log( f"Unable to create Building Template. Exception raised: " f"{str(res)}", lg.ERROR, ) # If all exceptions, raise them for debugging if all(isinstance(x, Exception) for x in results): raise Exception([res for res in results if isinstance(res, Exception)]) umi_template.BuildingTemplates = [ res for res in results if not isinstance(res, Exception) ] if keep_all_zones: _zones = set( obj.get_unique() for obj in UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS if isinstance(obj, ZoneDefinition) ) for zone in _zones: umi_template.ZoneDefinitions.append(zone) exceptions = [ZoneDefinition.__name__] else: exceptions = None # Get unique instances umi_template.unique_components(exceptions) # Update attributes of instance umi_template.update_components_list(exceptions=exceptions) return umi_template
[docs] @staticmethod def template_complexity_reduction(idfname, epw, **kwargs): """Wrap IDF, simulate and BuildingTemplate for parallel processing.""" idf = IDF(idfname, epw=epw, **kwargs) # remove daylight saving time modifiers for daylight in idf.idfobjects["RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingTime".upper()]: idf.removeidfobject(daylight) # edit run period to start on Monday for run_period in idf.idfobjects["RunPeriod".upper()]: run_period.Day_of_Week_for_Start_Day = "Monday" run_period.Apply_Weekend_Holiday_Rule = "No" run_period.Use_Weather_File_Holidays_and_Special_Days = "No" run_period.Use_Weather_File_Daylight_Saving_Period = "No" # remove daylight saving time modifiers for day in idf.idfobjects["RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays".upper()]: idf.removeidfobject(day) if idf.sim_info is None: idf.simulate() return BuildingTemplate.from_idf(idf, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Initialize an UmiTemplate object from an UMI Template Library File. Args: filename (str or Path): PathLike object giving the pathname of the UMI Template File. Returns: UmiTemplateLibrary: The template object. """ name = Path(filename) with open(filename, "r") as f: t = cls.loads(, name) return t
[docs] @classmethod def loads(cls, s, name): """load string.""" datastore = json.loads(s) # with datastore, create each objects t = cls(name) t.GasMaterials = [ GasMaterial.from_dict(store, allow_duplicates=True) for store in datastore["GasMaterials"] ] t.GlazingMaterials = [ GlazingMaterial.from_dict( store, ) for store in datastore["GlazingMaterials"] ] t.OpaqueMaterials = [ OpaqueMaterial.from_dict(store, allow_duplicates=True) for store in datastore["OpaqueMaterials"] ] t.OpaqueConstructions = [ OpaqueConstruction.from_dict( store, materials={ a for a in (t.GasMaterials + t.GlazingMaterials + t.OpaqueMaterials) }, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["OpaqueConstructions"] ] t.WindowConstructions = [ WindowConstruction.from_dict( store, materials={ a for a in (t.GasMaterials + t.GlazingMaterials)}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["WindowConstructions"] ] t.StructureInformations = [ StructureInformation.from_dict( store, materials={ a for a in t.OpaqueMaterials}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["StructureDefinitions"] ] t.DaySchedules = [ DaySchedule.from_dict(store, allow_duplicates=True) for store in datastore["DaySchedules"] ] t.WeekSchedules = [ WeekSchedule.from_dict( store, day_schedules={ a for a in t.DaySchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["WeekSchedules"] ] t.YearSchedules = [ YearSchedule.from_dict( store, week_schedules={ a for a in t.WeekSchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["YearSchedules"] ] t.DomesticHotWaterSettings = [ DomesticHotWaterSetting.from_dict( store, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["DomesticHotWaterSettings"] ] t.VentilationSettings = [ VentilationSetting.from_dict( store, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["VentilationSettings"] ] t.ZoneConditionings = [ ZoneConditioning.from_dict( store, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["ZoneConditionings"] ] t.ZoneConstructionSets = [ ZoneConstructionSet.from_dict( store, opaque_constructions={ a for a in t.OpaqueConstructions}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["ZoneConstructionSets"] ] t.ZoneLoads = [ ZoneLoad.from_dict( store, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["ZoneLoads"] ] t.ZoneDefinitions = [ ZoneDefinition.from_dict( store, zone_conditionings={ a for a in t.ZoneConditionings}, zone_construction_sets={ a for a in t.ZoneConstructionSets}, domestic_hot_water_settings={ a for a in t.DomesticHotWaterSettings }, opaque_constructions={ a for a in t.OpaqueConstructions}, zone_loads={ a for a in t.ZoneLoads}, ventilation_settings={ a for a in t.VentilationSettings}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["Zones"] ] t.WindowSettings = [ WindowSetting.from_ref( store["$ref"], datastore["BuildingTemplates"], schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, window_constructions={ a for a in t.WindowConstructions}, ) if "$ref" in store else WindowSetting.from_dict( store, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, window_constructions={ a for a in t.WindowConstructions}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["WindowSettings"] ] t.BuildingTemplates = [ BuildingTemplate.from_dict( store, zone_definitions={ a for a in t.ZoneDefinitions}, structure_definitions={ a for a in t.StructureInformations}, window_settings={ a for a in t.WindowSettings}, schedules={ a for a in t.YearSchedules}, window_constructions={ a for a in t.WindowConstructions}, allow_duplicates=True, ) for store in datastore["BuildingTemplates"] ] return t
[docs] def validate(self, defaults=True): """Validate the object.""" pass
[docs] def save( self, path_or_buf=None, indent=2, sort_keys=False, compression="infer", storage_options=None, ): """Save to json file. Args: path_or_buf (path-like): File path or object. If not specified, overwrites files. See :attr:``. indent (bool or str or int): If indent is a non-negative integer or string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0, negative, or "" will only insert newlines. None (the default) selects the most compact representation. Using a positive integer indent indents that many spaces per level. If indent is a string (such as "t"), that string is used to indent each level. sort_keys (callable): If sort_keys is true (default: False), then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by this callable. e.g.: `lambda x: x.get("$id")` sorts by $id. If callable is not available or fails, then sorted by `Name`. compression (str): A string representing the compression to use in the output file, only used when the first argument is a filename. By default, the compression is inferred from the filename. storage_options (dict): Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc., if using a URL that will be parsed by fsspec, e.g., starting “s3://”, “gcs://”. An error will be raised if providing this argument with a non-fsspec URL. See the fsspec and backend storage implementation docs for the set of allowed keys and values. """ if path_or_buf is None: basedir = Path( name = Path( path_or_buf = basedir / name + ".json" self.to_json( path_or_buf, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, compression=compression, storage_options=storage_options, )
[docs] def to_json( self, path_or_buf=None, indent=2, sort_keys=False, default_handler=None, compression="infer", storage_options=None, ): """Convert the object to a JSON string. Args: path_or_buf (path-like): File path or object. If not specified, the result is returned as a string. indent (bool or str or int): If indent is a non-negative integer or string, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0, negative, or "" will only insert newlines. None (the default) selects the most compact representation. Using a positive integer indent indents that many spaces per level. If indent is a string (such as "t"), that string is used to indent each level. sort_keys (callable): default_handler (callable): Handler to call if object cannot otherwise be converted to a suitable format for JSON. Should receive a single argument which is the object to convert and return a serializable object. compression (str): A string representing the compression to use in the output file, only used when the first argument is a filename. By default, the compression is inferred from the filename. storage_options (dict): Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc., if using a URL that will be parsed by fsspec, e.g., starting “s3://”, “gcs://”. An error will be raised if providing this argument with a non-fsspec URL. See the fsspec and backend storage implementation docs for the set of allowed keys and values. """ if default_handler is None: default_handler = CustomJSONEncoder data_dict = self.to_dict() if sort_keys is not None: # Sort values for key in data_dict: # Sort the list elements by their Name try: data_dict[key] = sorted(data_dict[key], key=sort_keys) except Exception: # revert to sorting by Name if failure data_dict[key] = sorted(data_dict[key], key=lambda x: x.get("Name")) response = json.dumps(data_dict, indent=indent, cls=default_handler) if path_or_buf is not None: # apply compression and byte/text conversion with get_handle( path_or_buf, "wt", compression=compression, storage_options=storage_options, ) as handles: handles.handle.write(response) else: return response
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return UmiTemplateLibrary dictionary representation.""" # First, reset existing name # Create ordered dict with empty list data_dict = OrderedDict([(key, []) for key in self._LIB_GROUPS]) # create dict values for group_name, group in self: # reset unique names for group UniqueName.existing = set() obj: UmiBase for obj in group: data = obj.to_dict() data.update({"Name": UniqueName(data.get("Name"))}) data_dict.setdefault(group_name, []).append(data) if not data_dict.get("GasMaterials"): # Umi needs at least one gas material even if it is not necessary. data = GasMaterial(Name="AIR").to_dict() data.update({"Name": UniqueName(data.get("Name"))}) data_dict.get("GasMaterials").append(data) data_dict.move_to_end("GasMaterials", last=False) # Correct naming convention and reorder categories for key in tuple(data_dict.keys()): v = data_dict[key] del data_dict[key] if key == "ZoneDefinitions": key = "Zones" if key == "StructureInformations": key = "StructureDefinitions" data_dict[key] = v # Validate assert no_duplicates(data_dict, attribute="Name") # Sort values for key in data_dict: # Sort the list elements by their Name data_dict[key] = sorted(data_dict[key], key=lambda x: x.get("Name")) return data_dict
[docs] def unique_components(self, exceptions=None): """Keep only unique components. Calls :func:`~archetypal.template.umi_base.UmiBase.get_unique` for each object in the graph. """ self._clear_components_list(exceptions) # First clear components for key, group in self: # for each group for component in group: # travers each object using generator for parent, key, obj in traverse(component): if key: # key is None when we reach lowest level setattr( parent, key, obj.get_unique() ) # set unique object on key self.update_components_list(exceptions=exceptions) # Update the components list
# that was cleared
[docs] def replace_component(self, this, that) -> None: """Replace all instances of `this` with `that`. Args: this (UmiBase): The reference to replace with `that`. that (UmiBase): The object to replace each references with. """ for bldg in self.BuildingTemplates: for parent, key, obj in traverse(bldg): if obj is this: setattr(parent, key, that) self.update_components_list()
[docs] def update_components_list(self, exceptions=None): """Update the component groups with connected components.""" # clear components list except BuildingTemplate self._clear_components_list(exceptions) for key, group in self: for component in group: for parent, key, child in traverse(component): if isinstance(child, UmiBase): obj_list = self.__dict__[child.__class__.__name__ + "s"] if not any( == for o in obj_list): # Important to compare on and not on identity. obj_list.append(child)
[docs] def build_graph(self): """Create the :class:`networkx.DiGraph` UmiBase objects as nodes.""" import networkx as nx G = nx.DiGraph() for bldg in self.BuildingTemplates: for parent, key, child in traverse(bldg): G.add_edge(parent, child) return G
def no_duplicates(file, attribute="Name"): """Assert whether or not dict has duplicated Names. `attribute` can be another attribute name like "$id". Args: file (str or dict): Path of the json file or dict containing umi objects groups attribute (str): Attribute to search for duplicates in json UMI structure. eg. : "$id", "Name". Returns: bool: True if no duplicates. Raises: Exception if duplicates found. """ import json from collections import defaultdict if isinstance(file, str): data = json.loads(open(file).read()) else: data = file ids = {} for key, value in data.items(): ids[key] = defaultdict(int) for component in value: try: _id = component[attribute] except KeyError: pass # BuildingTemplate does not have an id else: ids[key][_id] += 1 dups = { key: dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] > 1, values.items())) for key, values in ids.items() if dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] > 1, values.items())) } if any(dups.values()): raise Exception(f"Duplicate {attribute} found: {dups}") else: return True DEEP_OBJECTS = (UmiBase, MaterialLayer, GasLayer, YearSchedulePart, MassRatio, list) def traverse(parent): """Iterate over UmiBases in a depth-first-search (DFS). Perform a depth-first-search over the UmiBase objects of var and yield the Umibase objects in order. """ if isinstance(parent, DEEP_OBJECTS): if isinstance(parent, list): for obj in parent: yield from traverse(obj) elif isinstance(parent, DaySchedule): yield None, None, parent else: for k, child in parent: if isinstance(child, UmiBase): yield parent, k, child if isinstance(child, DEEP_OBJECTS): yield from traverse(child)