Source code for geomeppy.idf

This module contains the implementation of `geomeppy.IDF`.
import itertools
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union  # noqa

from eppy.bunch_subclass import EpBunch  # noqa
from eppy.idf_msequence import Idf_MSequence  # noqa

from .geom.intersect_match import intersect_idf_surfaces, match_idf_surfaces
from .builder import Block, Zone
from .geom.polygons import bounding_box, Polygon2D  # noqa
from .geom.vectors import Vector2D, Vector3D  # noqa
from .io.obj import export_to_obj
from .patches import PatchedIDF
from .recipes import (
from .view_geometry import view_idf
from .geom.core_perim import core_perim_zone_coordinates

def new_idf(fname):
    # type: (str) -> IDF
    """Create a new blank IDF.

    :param fname: A name for the new IDF.

    idf = IDF()
    return idf

class IDF(PatchedIDF):
    """Geometry-enabled IDF class, usable in the same way as Eppy's IDF.

    This adds geometry functionality to Eppy's IDF class.


[docs] def intersect_match(self): # type: () -> None """Intersect all surfaces in the IDF, then set boundary conditions.""" self.intersect() self.match()
[docs] def intersect(self): # type: () -> None """Intersect all surfaces in the IDF.""" intersect_idf_surfaces(self)
[docs] def match(self): # type: () -> None """Set boundary conditions for all surfaces in the IDF.""" match_idf_surfaces(self)
[docs] def translate_to_origin(self): # type: () -> None """Move an IDF close to the origin so that it can be viewed in SketchUp.""" translate_to_origin(self)
[docs] def translate(self, vector): # type: (Vector2D) -> None """Move the IDF in the direction given by a vector. :param vector: A vector to translate by. """ surfaces = self.getsurfaces() translate(surfaces, vector) subsurfaces = self.getsubsurfaces() translate(subsurfaces, vector) shadingsurfaces = self.getshadingsurfaces() translate(shadingsurfaces, vector)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, anchor=None): # type: (float, Optional[Union[Vector2D, Vector3D]]) -> None """Rotate the IDF counterclockwise by the angle given. :param angle: Angle (in degrees) to rotate by. :param anchor: Point around which to rotate. Default is the centre of the the IDF's bounding box. """ anchor = anchor or self.centroid surfaces = self.getsurfaces() subsurfaces = self.getsubsurfaces() shadingsurfaces = self.getshadingsurfaces() self.translate(-anchor) rotate(surfaces, angle) rotate(subsurfaces, angle) rotate(shadingsurfaces, angle) self.translate(anchor)
[docs] def scale(self, factor, anchor=None, axes="xy"): # type: (float, Optional[Union[Vector2D, Vector3D]], str) -> None """Scale the IDF by a scaling factor. :param factor: Factor to scale by. :param anchor: Point to scale around. Default is the centre of the the IDF's bounding box. :param axes: Axes to scale on. Default 'xy'. """ anchor = anchor or self.centroid surfaces = self.getsurfaces() subsurfaces = self.getsubsurfaces() shadingsurfaces = self.getshadingsurfaces() self.translate(-anchor) scale(surfaces, factor, axes) scale(subsurfaces, factor, axes) scale(shadingsurfaces, factor, axes) self.translate(anchor)
def set_default_constructions(self): # type: () -> None set_default_constructions(self)
[docs] def bounding_box(self): # type: () -> Polygon2D """Calculate the site bounding box. :returns: A polygon of the bounding box. """ floors = self.getsurfaces("floor") return bounding_box(floors)
@property def centroid(self): # type: () -> Vector2D """Calculate the centroid of the site bounding box. :returns: The centroid of the site bounding box. """ bbox = self.bounding_box() return bbox.centroid
[docs] def getsurfaces(self, surface_type=""): # type: (str) -> Union[List[EpBunch], Idf_MSequence] """Return all surfaces in the IDF. :param surface_type: Type of surface to get. Defaults to all. :returns: IDF surfaces. """ surfaces = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [ self.idfobjects[key.upper()] for key in self.idd_index["ref2names"]["SurfaceNames"] ] ) if surface_type: surfaces = filter( lambda x: x.Surface_Type.lower() == surface_type.lower(), surfaces ) return list(surfaces)
[docs] def getsubsurfaces(self, surface_type=""): # type: (str) -> Union[List[EpBunch], Idf_MSequence] """Return all subsurfaces in the IDF. :param surface_type: Type of surface to get. Defaults to all. :returns: IDF surfaces. """ surfaces = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [ self.idfobjects[key.upper()] for key in self.idd_index["ref2names"]["SubSurfNames"] ] ) if surface_type: surfaces = filter( lambda x: x.Surface_Type.lower() == surface_type.lower(), surfaces ) return list(surfaces)
[docs] def getshadingsurfaces(self, surface_type=""): # type: (str) -> Union[List[EpBunch], Idf_MSequence] """Return all subsurfaces in the IDF. :param surface_type: Type of surface to get. Defaults to all. :returns: IDF surfaces. """ surfaces = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [ self.idfobjects[key.upper()] for key in self.idd_index["ref2names"]["AllShadingSurfNames"] ] ) if surface_type: surfaces = filter( lambda x: x.Surface_Type.lower() == surface_type.lower(), surfaces ) return list(surfaces)
def set_wwr( self, wwr=0.2, construction=None, force=False, wwr_map={}, orientation=None ): # type: (Optional[float], Optional[str], Optional[bool], Optional[dict], Optional[str]) -> None """Add strip windows to all external walls. Different WWR can be applied to specific wall orientations using the `wwr_map` keyword arg. This map is a dict of wwr values, keyed by `wall.azimuth`, which overrides the default passed as `wwr`. They can also be applied to walls oriented to a compass point, e.g. north, which will apply to walls which have an azimuth within 45 degrees of due north. :param wwr: Window to wall ratio in the range 0.0 to 1.0. :param construction: Name of a window construction. :param force: True to remove all subsurfaces before setting the WWR. :param wwr_map: Mapping from wall orientation (azimuth) to WWR, e.g. {180: 0.25, 90: 0.2}. :param orientation: One of "north", "east", "south", "west". Walls within 45 degrees will be affected. """ set_wwr(self, wwr, construction, force, wwr_map, orientation)
[docs] def view_model(self, test=False): # type: (Optional[bool]) -> None """Show a zoomable, rotatable representation of the IDF.""" view_idf(idf=self, test=test)
[docs] def to_obj(self, fname=None, mtllib=None): # type: (Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> None """Export an OBJ file representation of the IDF. This can be used for viewing in tools which support the .obj format. :param fname: A filename for the .obj file. If None we try to base it on IDF.idfname and change the filetype. :param mtllib: The name of a .mtl file to be referenced from the .obj file. If None, we use default.mtl. """ if not fname: try: fname = self.idfname.replace(".idf", ".obj") except AttributeError: fname = "default.obj" export_to_obj(self, fname, mtllib)
[docs] def add_block(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None """Add a block to the IDF. :param name: A name for the block. :param coordinates: A list of (x, y) tuples representing the building outline. :param height: The height of the block roof above ground level. :param num_stories: The total number of stories including basement stories. Default : 1. :param below_ground_stories: The number of stories below ground. Default : 0. :param below_ground_storey_height: The height of each basement storey. Default : 2.5. :param zoning: The zoning pattern of the block. Default : by_storey :param perim_depth: Depth of the perimeter zones if the core/perim zoning pattern is requested. Default : 3.0. """ block = Block(*args, **kwargs) block.zoning = kwargs.get("zoning", "by_storey") if block.zoning == "by_storey": zones = [ Zone("Block %s Storey %i" % (, storey["storey_no"]), storey) for storey in block.stories ] elif block.zoning == "core/perim": zones = [] try: for name, coords in core_perim_zone_coordinates( block.coordinates, block.perim_depth )[0].items(): block = Block( name=name, coordinates=coords, height=block.height, num_stories=block.num_stories, ) zones += [ Zone( "Block %s Storey %i" % (, storey["storey_no"]), storey, ) for storey in block.stories ] except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError("Perimeter depth is too great") else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid zoning rule" % block.zoning) for zone in zones: self.add_zone(zone)
[docs] def add_shading_block(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (*Any, **Any) -> None """Add a shading block to the IDF. :param name: A name for the block. :param coordinates: A list of (x, y) tuples representing the building outline. :param height: The height of the block roof above ground level. :param num_stories: The total number of stories including basement stories. Default : 1. :param below_ground_stories: The number of stories below ground. Default : 0. :param below_ground_storey_height: The height of each basement storey. Default : 2.5. """ block = Block(*args, **kwargs) for i, wall in enumerate(block.walls[0], 1): if wall.area <= 0: continue s = self.newidfobject( "SHADING:SITE:DETAILED", Name="%s_%s" % (, i) ) try: s.setcoords(wall) except ZeroDivisionError: self.removeidfobject(s)
[docs] def add_zone(self, zone): # type: (Zone) -> None """Add a zone to the IDF. :param zone: A Zone object holding details about the zone. """ try: ggr = self.idfobjects["GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES"][ 0 ] # type: Optional[Dict[str, Idf_MSequence]] except IndexError: ggr = None # add zone object self.newidfobject("ZONE", for surface_type in zone.__dict__.keys(): if surface_type == "name": continue for i, surface_coords in enumerate(zone.__dict__[surface_type], 1): if not surface_coords: continue name = "{name} {s_type} {num:04d}".format(, s_type=surface_type[:-1].title(), num=i ) s = self.newidfobject( "BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED", Name=name, Surface_Type=surface_type[:-1],, ) s.setcoords(surface_coords, ggr)