6. Editing UMI Template Files

archetypal can read an UMI Template File using the command:

from archetypal import UmiTemplateLibrary
template_library = UmiTemplateLibrary.open("file.json")

which returns an UmiTemplateLibrary object.

6.1. Combining template libraries

Combine two template libraries like this:

from archetypal import UmiTemplateLibrary
lib_a = UmiTemplateLibrary.open("a.json")
lib_b = UmiTemplateLibrary.open("b.json")

lib_c = lib_a + lib_b

The resulting lib_c will contain all components from both libraries. To avoid duplicates (components that are equal), run:


Plot the hierarchy of of an UmiTempalteLIbrary

a = UmiTemplateLibrary.open(file)
G = a.to_graph()
pos = graphviz_layout(G, prog="dot", args="-s300")
write_dot(G, "G.dot")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(100,40))
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, arrows=True, ax=ax)
for group, values in a:
    print("rank = same; " + "; ".join((f'"{v}"' for v in values)) +";")