Source code for archetypal.reportdata


import functools
import time
from sqlite3 import OperationalError

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, read_sql_query, to_numeric
from path import Path

from archetypal.utils import log

class ReportData(DataFrame):
    """Handles Report Variable Data and Report Meter Data"""

    ARCHETYPE = "Archetype"
    REPORTDATAINDEX = "ReportDataIndex"
    TIMEINDEX = "TimeIndex"
    REPORTDATADICTIONARYINDEX = "ReportDataDictionaryIndex"
    VALUE = "Value"
    ISMETER = "IsMeter"
    TYPE = "Type"
    INDEXGROUP = "IndexGroup"
    TIMESTEPTYPE = "TimestepType"
    KEYVALUE = "KeyValue"
    NAME = "Name"
    REPORTINGFREQUENCY = "ReportingFrequency"
    SCHEDULENAME = "ScheduleName"
    UNITS = "Units"

[docs] @classmethod def from_sql_dict(cls, sql_dict): """Create from dictionary.""" report_data = sql_dict["ReportData"] report_data["ReportDataDictionaryIndex"] = to_numeric( report_data["ReportDataDictionaryIndex"] ) report_data_dict = sql_dict["ReportDataDictionary"] return cls( report_data.reset_index().join( report_data_dict, on=["ReportDataDictionaryIndex"] ) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite( cls, sqlite_file, table_name, warmup_flag=0, environment_type=3, reporting_frequency=None, ): """Read an EnergyPlus eplusout.sql file. Args: sqlite_file (str): The path of the sqlite3 file. table_name (str, optional): Filter results by a specific table name. warmup_flag (int): 1 during warmup, 0 otherwise. Defaults to 0. environment_type (int): An enumeration of the environment type. (1 = Design Day, 2 = Design Run Period, 3 = Weather Run Period) See the various SizingPeriod objects and the RunPeriod object for details. reporting_frequency (str, optional): "HVAC System Timestep", "Zone Timestep", "Hourly", "Daily", "Monthly", "Run Period". Examples: >>> ReportData.from_sqlite("eplusout.sql", >>> table_name="Air System Total Heating Energy", >>> warmup_flag=0, >>> environment_type=1, >>> ) Returns: ReportData: a :class:`ReportData` which is a subclass of :class:`DataFrame`. """ if not isinstance(sqlite_file, str): raise TypeError("Please provide a str, not a {}".format(type(sqlite_file))) file = Path(sqlite_file) if not file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find sql file {}".format(file.relpath())) import sqlite3 # create database connection with sqlite3 with sqlite3.connect(sqlite_file) as conn: # empty dict to hold all DataFrames all_tables = {} # Iterate over all tables in the report_tables list sql_query = f""" SELECT rd.ReportDataIndex, rd.TimeIndex, rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex, red.ReportExtendedDataIndex, t.Month, t.Day, t.Hour, t.Minute, t.Dst, t.Interval, t.IntervalType, t.SimulationDays, t.DayType, t.EnvironmentPeriodIndex, t.WarmupFlag, p.EnvironmentType, rd.Value, rdd.IsMeter, rdd.Type, rdd.IndexGroup, rdd.TimestepType, rdd.KeyValue, rdd.Name, rdd.ReportingFrequency, rdd.ScheduleName, rdd.Units FROM ReportData As rd INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary As rdd ON rd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex = rdd.ReportDataDictionaryIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportExtendedData As red ON rd.ReportDataIndex = red.ReportDataIndex INNER JOIN Time As t ON rd.TimeIndex = t.TimeIndex JOIN EnvironmentPeriods as p ON t.EnvironmentPeriodIndex = p.EnvironmentPeriodIndex WHERE (IFNULL(t.WarmupFlag, 0) = @warmup_flag); """ params = {"warmup_flag": warmup_flag} if table_name: conditions, table_name = cls.multiple_conditions( "table_name", table_name, "Name" ) sql_query = sql_query.replace(";", """ AND (%s);""" % conditions) params.update(table_name) if environment_type: conditions, env_name = cls.multiple_conditions( "env_name", environment_type, "EnvironmentType" ) sql_query = sql_query.replace(";", """ AND (%s);""" % conditions) params.update(env_name) if reporting_frequency: conditions, reporting_frequency = cls.multiple_conditions( "reporting_frequency", reporting_frequency, "ReportingFrequency" ) sql_query = sql_query.replace(";", """ AND (%s);""" % conditions) params.update(reporting_frequency) df = cls.execute(conn, sql_query, params) return cls(df)
@staticmethod def multiple_conditions(basename, cond_names, var_name): if not isinstance(cond_names, (list, tuple)): cond_names = [cond_names] cond_names = set(cond_names) cond_names = { "%s_%s" % (basename, i): name for i, name in enumerate(cond_names) } conditions = " OR ".join( ["%s = @%s" % (var_name, cond_name) for cond_name in cond_names] ) return conditions, cond_names @staticmethod def execute(conn, sql_query, params): try: # Try regular str read, could fail if wrong encoding conn.text_factory = str df = read_sql_query(sql_query, conn, params=params, coerce_float=True) except OperationalError as e: # Wring encoding found, the load bytes and decode object # columns only raise e return df @property def _constructor(self): return ReportData @property def df(self): """Returns the DataFrame of the ReportData""" return DataFrame(self)
[docs] def filter_report_data( self, archetype=None, reportdataindex=None, timeindex=None, reportdatadictionaryindex=None, value=None, ismeter=None, type=None, indexgroup=None, timesteptype=None, keyvalue=None, name=None, reportingfrequency=None, schedulename=None, units=None, inplace=False, ): """filter RaportData using specific keywords. Each keywords can be a tuple of strings (str1, str2, str3) which will return the logical_or on the specific column. Args: archetype (str or tuple): reportdataindex (str or tuple): timeindex (str or tuple): reportdatadictionaryindex (str or tuple): value (str or tuple): ismeter (str or tuple): type (str or tuple): indexgroup (str or tuple): timesteptype (str or tuple): keyvalue (str or tuple): name (str or tuple): reportingfrequency (str or tuple): schedulename (str or tuple): units (str or tuple): inplace (str or tuple): Returns: pandas.DataFrame """ start_time = time.time() c_n = [] if archetype: c_1 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.ARCHETYPE] == archetype for archetype in archetype], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(archetype, tuple) else self[self.ARCHETYPE] == archetype ) c_n.append(c_1) if reportdataindex: c_2 = ( conjunction( *[ self[self.REPORTDATAINDEX] == reportdataindex for reportdataindex in reportdataindex ], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(reportdataindex, tuple) else self[self.REPORTDATAINDEX] == reportdataindex ) c_n.append(c_2) if timeindex: c_3 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.TIMEINDEX] == timeindex for timeindex in timeindex], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(timeindex, tuple) else self[self.TIMEINDEX] == timeindex ) c_n.append(c_3) if reportdatadictionaryindex: c_4 = ( conjunction( *[ self[self.REPORTDATADICTIONARYINDEX] == reportdatadictionaryindex for reportdatadictionaryindex in reportdatadictionaryindex ], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(reportdatadictionaryindex, tuple) else self[self.REPORTDATADICTIONARYINDEX] == reportdatadictionaryindex ) c_n.append(c_4) if value: c_5 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.VALUE] == value for value in value], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(value, tuple) else self[self.VALUE] == value ) c_n.append(c_5) if ismeter: c_6 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.ISMETER] == ismeter for ismeter in ismeter], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(ismeter, tuple) else self[self.ISMETER] == ismeter ) c_n.append(c_6) if type: c_7 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.TYPE] == type for type in type], logical=np.logical_or ) if isinstance(type, tuple) else self[self.TYPE] == type ) c_n.append(c_7) if indexgroup: c_8 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.INDEXGROUP] == indexgroup for indexgroup in indexgroup], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(indexgroup, tuple) else self[self.INDEXGROUP] == indexgroup ) c_n.append(c_8) if timesteptype: c_9 = ( conjunction( *[ self[self.TIMESTEPTYPE] == timesteptype for timesteptype in timesteptype ], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(timesteptype, tuple) else self[self.TIMESTEPTYPE] == timesteptype ) c_n.append(c_9) if keyvalue: c_10 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.KEYVALUE] == keyvalue for keyvalue in keyvalue], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(keyvalue, tuple) else self[self.KEYVALUE] == keyvalue ) c_n.append(c_10) if name: c_11 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.NAME] == name for name in name], logical=np.logical_or ) if isinstance(name, tuple) else self[self.NAME] == name ) c_n.append(c_11) if reportingfrequency: c_12 = ( conjunction( *[ self[self.REPORTINGFREQUENCY] == reportingfrequency for reportingfrequency in reportingfrequency ], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(reportingfrequency, tuple) else self[self.REPORTINGFREQUENCY] == reportingfrequency ) c_n.append(c_12) if schedulename: c_13 = ( conjunction( *[ self[self.SCHEDULENAME] == schedulename for schedulename in schedulename ], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(schedulename, tuple) else self[self.SCHEDULENAME] == schedulename ) c_n.append(c_13) if units: c_14 = ( conjunction( *[self[self.UNITS] == units for units in units], logical=np.logical_or, ) if isinstance(units, tuple) else self[self.UNITS] == units ) c_n.append(c_14) filtered_df = self.loc[conjunction(*c_n, logical=np.logical_and)] log("filtered ReportData in {:,.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) if inplace: return filtered_df._update_inplace(filtered_df) else: return filtered_df.__finalize__(self)
def conjunction(*conditions, logical=np.logical_and): """Apply a logical function on n conditions.""" return functools.reduce(logical, conditions)