Source code for archetypal.template.constructions.opaque_construction

"""archetypal OpaqueConstruction."""

import collections
import uuid

import numpy as np
from eppy.bunch_subclass import BadEPFieldError
from validator_collection import validators

from archetypal.template.constructions.base_construction import LayeredConstruction
from archetypal.template.materials.material_layer import MaterialLayer
from archetypal.template.materials.opaque_material import OpaqueMaterial

[docs]class OpaqueConstruction(LayeredConstruction): """Opaque Constructions. .. image:: ../images/template/constructions-opaque.png Properties: * r_value * u_value * r_factor * u_factor * equivalent_heat_capacity_per_unit_volume * specific_heat * heat_capacity_per_unit_wall_area * total_thickness * mass_per_unit_area * timeconstant_per_unit_area * solar_reflectance_index """ __slots__ = ("area",) def __init__(self, Name, Layers, **kwargs): """Initialize an OpaqueConstruction. Args: Layers (list of archetypal.MaterialLayer): List of MaterialLayers making up the construction. **kwargs: Other attributes passed to parent constructors such as :class:`ConstructionBase`. """ super(OpaqueConstruction, self).__init__(Name, Layers, **kwargs) self.area = 1 @property def r_value(self): """Get or set the thermal resistance [K⋅m2/W] (excluding air films). Note that, when setting the R-value, the thickness of the inferred insulation layer will be adjusted. """ return super(OpaqueConstruction, self).r_value @r_value.setter def r_value(self, value): # First, find the insulation layer i = self.infer_insulation_layer() all_layers_except_insulation_layer = [a for a in self.Layers] all_layers_except_insulation_layer.pop(i) insulation_layer: MaterialLayer = self.Layers[i] if value <= sum([a.r_value for a in all_layers_except_insulation_layer]): raise ValueError( f"Cannot set assembly r-value smaller than " f"{sum([a.r_value for a in all_layers_except_insulation_layer])} " f"because it would result in an insulation of a " f"negative thickness. Try a higher value or changing the material " f"layers instead." ) alpha = float(value) / self.r_value new_r_value = ( ((alpha - 1) * sum([a.r_value for a in all_layers_except_insulation_layer])) ) + alpha * insulation_layer.r_value insulation_layer.r_value = new_r_value @property def equivalent_heat_capacity_per_unit_volume(self): """Get the equivalent per unit wall volume heat capacity [J/(kg⋅K)]. Hint: "The physical quantity which represents the heat storage capability is the wall heat capacity, defined as HC=M·c. While the per unit wall area of this quantity is (HC/A)=ρ·c·δ, where δ the wall thickness, the per unit volume wall heat capacity, being a characteristic wall quantity independent from the wall thickness, is equal to ρ·c. This quantity for a composite wall of an overall thickness L, is usually defined as the equivalent per unit wall volume heat capacity and it is expressed as :math:`{{(ρ·c)}}_{eq}{{=(1/L)·∑}}_{i=1}^n{{(ρ}}_i{{·c}}_i{{·δ}}_i{)}` where :math:`{ρ}_i`, :math:`{c}_i` and :math:`{δ}_i` are the densities, the specific heat capacities and the layer thicknesses of the n parallel layers of the composite wall." [ref]_ .. [ref] Tsilingiris, P. T. (2004). On the thermal time constant of structural walls. Applied Thermal Engineering, 24(5–6), 743–757. """ return (1 / self.total_thickness) * sum( [ layer.Material.Density * layer.Material.SpecificHeat * layer.Thickness for layer in self.Layers ] ) @property def specific_heat(self): """Get the construction specific heat weighted by wall area mass [J/(kg⋅K)].""" return np.average( [layer.specific_heat for layer in self.Layers], weights=[layer.Thickness * layer.Material.Density for layer in self.Layers], ) @property def heat_capacity_per_unit_wall_area(self): """Get the construction heat capacity per unit wall area [J/(m2⋅K)]. Hint: :math:`(HC/A)=ρ·c·δ`, where :math:`δ` is the wall thickness. """ return sum([layer.heat_capacity for layer in self.Layers]) @property def total_thickness(self): """Get the construction total thickness [m].""" return sum([layer.Thickness for layer in self.Layers]) @property def mass_per_unit_area(self): """Get the construction mass per unit area [kg/m2].""" return sum([layer.Thickness * layer.Material.Density for layer in self.Layers]) @property def time_constant_per_unit_area(self): """Get the construction time constant per unit area [seconds/m2].""" return self.mass_per_unit_area * self.specific_heat / self.u_factor @property def solar_reflectance_index(self): """Get the Solar Reflectance Index of the exposed surface. Hint: calculation from K-12 AEDG, derived from ASTM E1980 assuming medium wind speed. """ exposed_material = self.Layers[0] # 0-th layer is exterior layer solar_absorptance = exposed_material.Material.SolarAbsorptance thermal_emissivity = exposed_material.Material.ThermalEmittance x = (20.797 * solar_absorptance - 0.603 * thermal_emissivity) / ( 9.5205 * thermal_emissivity + 12.0 ) sri = 123.97 - 141.35 * x + 9.6555 * x * x return sri
[docs] def infer_insulation_layer(self): """Return the material layer index that corresponds to the insulation layer.""" return self.Layers.index(max(self.Layers, key=lambda x: x.r_value))
[docs] def combine(self, other, method="dominant_wall", allow_duplicates=False): """Combine two OpaqueConstruction together. Args: other (OpaqueConstruction): The other OpaqueConstruction object to combine with. method (str): Equivalent wall assembly method. Only 'dominant_wall' is safe to use. 'constant_ufactor' is still weird in terms of respecting the thermal response of the walls and may cause conversion issues with Conduction Transfer Functions (CTFs) in EnergyPlus. Returns: (OpaqueConstruction): the combined ZoneLoad object. """ # Check if other is None. Simply return self if not other: return self if not self: return other # Check if other is the same type as self if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): msg = "Cannot combine %s with %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__, ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Check if other is not the same as self if self == other: return self weights = [self.area, other.area] meta = self._get_predecessors_meta(other) # thicknesses & materials for self if method == "constant_ufactor": new_m, new_t = self._constant_ufactor(other, weights) elif method == "dominant_wall": # simply return the dominant wall construction oc = self.dominant_wall(other, weights) return oc else: raise ValueError( 'Possible choices are ["constant_ufactor", "dominant_wall"]' ) # layers for the new OpaqueConstruction layers = [MaterialLayer(mat, t) for mat, t in zip(new_m, new_t)] new_obj = self.__class__(**meta, Layers=layers) new_name = ( "Combined Opaque Construction {{{}}} with u_value " "of {:,.3f} W/m2k".format(uuid.uuid1(), new_obj.u_value) ) new_obj.rename(new_name) new_obj.predecessors.update(self.predecessors + other.predecessors) new_obj.area = sum(weights) return new_obj
[docs] def dominant_wall(self, other, weights): """Return dominant wall construction between self and other. Args: other: weights: """ oc = [ x for _, x in sorted( zip([2, 1], [self, other]), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True ) ][0] return oc
def _constant_ufactor(self, other, weights=None): """Return materials and thicknesses for constant u-value. The constant u-factor method will produce an assembly that has the same u-value as an equivalent wall (weighted by wall area) but with a mixture of all unique layer materials Args: other (OpaqueConstruction): The other Construction. weights (array_like, optional): An array of weights associated with the self and other. Each value contributes to the average according to its associated weight. If `weights=None` , then all data are assumed to have a weight equal to one. """ from scipy.optimize import minimize def obj_func( thicknesses, materials, expected_u_value, expected_specific_heat, expected_total_thickness, ): """Objective function for thickness evaluation.""" u_value = 1 / sum( [ thickness / mat.Conductivity for thickness, mat in zip(thicknesses, materials) ] ) # Specific_heat: (J/kg K) h_calc = [ mat.SpecificHeat for thickness, mat in zip(thicknesses, materials) ] # (kg/m3) x (m) = (kg/m2) mass_per_unit_area = [ mat.Density * thickness for thickness, mat in zip(thicknesses, materials) ] specific_heat = np.average(h_calc, weights=mass_per_unit_area) return ( (u_value - expected_u_value) ** 2 + (specific_heat - expected_specific_heat) ** 2 + (sum(thicknesses) - expected_total_thickness) ** 2 ) # U_eq is the weighted average of the wall u_values by their respected total # thicknesses. Here, the U_value does not take into account the convective heat # transfer coefficients. u_equivalent = np.average( [self.u_value, other.u_value], weights=[self.total_thickness, other.total_thickness], ) # Get a set of all materials sorted by Material Density (descending order) materials = list( sorted( set( [layer.Material for layer in self.Layers] + [layer.Material for layer in other.Layers] ), key=lambda x: x.Density, reverse=True, ) ) # Setup weights if not weights: weights = [1.0, 1.0] # If weights is a list of zeros. This weight is used in the if not np.array(weights).any(): weights = [1, 1] # Calculate the desired equivalent specific heat equi_spec_heat = np.average( [self.specific_heat, other.specific_heat], weights=weights ) two_wall_thickness = np.average( [self.total_thickness, other.total_thickness], weights=weights ) x0 = np.ones(len(materials)) bnds = tuple([(0.003, None) for layer in materials]) res = minimize( obj_func, x0, args=(materials, u_equivalent, equi_spec_heat, two_wall_thickness), bounds=bnds, ) return np.array(materials), res.x
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data, materials, **kwargs): """Create an OpaqueConstruction from a dictionary. Args: data (dict): The python dictionary. materials (dict): A dictionary of materials with their id as keys. .. code-block:: python materials = {} # dict of materials. data = { "$id": "140300770659680", "Layers": [ { "Material": { "$ref": "140300653743792" }, "Thickness": 0.013 }, { "Material": { "$ref": "140300653743792" }, "Thickness": 0.013 } ], "AssemblyCarbon": 0.0, "AssemblyCost": 0.0, "AssemblyEnergy": 0.0, "DisassemblyCarbon": 0.0, "DisassemblyEnergy": 0.0, "Category": "Partition", "Comments": "", "DataSource": "ASHRAE 90.1-2007", "Name": "90.1-2007 Nonres 6A Int Wall" } """ # resolve Material objects from ref layers = [ MaterialLayer( Material=materials[layer["Material"]["$ref"]], Thickness=layer["Thickness"], ) for layer in data.pop("Layers") ] _id = data.pop("$id") oc = cls(Layers=layers, id=_id, **data, **kwargs) return oc
[docs] @classmethod def generic_internalmass(cls, **kwargs): """Create a generic internal mass object. Args: **kwargs: keywords passed to the class constructor. """ mat = OpaqueMaterial( Name="Wood 6inch", Roughness="MediumSmooth", Thickness=0.15, Conductivity=0.12, Density=540, SpecificHeat=1210, ThermalAbsorptance=0.7, VisibleAbsorptance=0.7, ) return OpaqueConstruction( Name="InternalMass", Layers=[MaterialLayer(Material=mat, Thickness=0.15)], Category="InternalMass", **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_epbunch(cls, epbunch, **kwargs): """Create an OpaqueConstruction object from an epbunch. Possible keys are "BuildingSurface:Detailed" or "InternalMass" Args: epbunch (EpBunch): The epbunch object. **kwargs: keywords passed to the LayeredConstruction constructor. """ assert epbunch.key.lower() in ("internalmass", "construction", 'construction:internalsource'), ( f"Expected ('Internalmass', 'Construction', 'construction:internalsource')." f"Got '{epbunch.key}'." ) name = epbunch.Name # treat internalmass and regular surfaces differently if epbunch.key.lower() == "internalmass": layers = cls._internalmass_layer(epbunch) return cls(Name=name, Layers=layers, **kwargs) elif epbunch.key.lower() in ("construction", 'construction:internalsource',): layers = cls._surface_layers(epbunch) return cls(Name=name, Layers=layers, **kwargs)
@classmethod def _internalmass_layer(cls, epbunch): """Return layers of an internal mass object. Args: epbunch (EpBunch): The InternalMass epobject. """ constr_obj = epbunch.theidf.getobject("CONSTRUCTION", epbunch.Construction_Name) return cls._surface_layers(constr_obj) @classmethod def _surface_layers(cls, epbunch): """Retrieve layers for the OpaqueConstruction. Args: epbunch (EpBunch): EP-Construction object """ layers = [] for layer in epbunch.fieldnames[2:]: # Iterate over the construction's layers material = epbunch.get_referenced_object(layer) if material: o = OpaqueMaterial.from_epbunch(material, allow_duplicates=True) try: thickness = material.Thickness except BadEPFieldError: thickness = o.Conductivity * material.Thermal_Resistance layers.append(MaterialLayer(Material=o, Thickness=thickness)) return layers
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return OpaqueConstruction dictionary representation.""" self.validate() # Validate object before trying to get json format data_dict = collections.OrderedDict() data_dict["$id"] = str( data_dict["Layers"] = [lay.to_dict() for lay in self.Layers] data_dict["AssemblyCarbon"] = self.AssemblyCarbon data_dict["AssemblyCost"] = self.AssemblyCost data_dict["AssemblyEnergy"] = self.AssemblyEnergy data_dict["DisassemblyCarbon"] = self.DisassemblyCarbon data_dict["DisassemblyEnergy"] = self.DisassemblyEnergy data_dict["Category"] = self.Category data_dict["Comments"] = validators.string(self.Comments, allow_empty=True) data_dict["DataSource"] = str(self.DataSource) data_dict["Name"] = self.Name return data_dict
[docs] def mapping(self, validate=True): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr. Args: validate (bool): If True, try to validate object before returning the mapping. """ if validate: self.validate() return dict( Layers=self.Layers, AssemblyCarbon=self.AssemblyCarbon, AssemblyCost=self.AssemblyCost, AssemblyEnergy=self.AssemblyEnergy, DisassemblyCarbon=self.DisassemblyCarbon, DisassemblyEnergy=self.DisassemblyEnergy, Category=self.Category, Comments=self.Comments, DataSource=self.DataSource, Name=self.Name, )
[docs] @classmethod def generic(cls, **kwargs): """Return OpaqueConstruction based on 90.1-2007 Nonres 4B Int Wall.""" om = OpaqueMaterial.generic() layers = [MaterialLayer(om, 0.0127), MaterialLayer(om, 0.0127)] # half inch return cls( Name="90.1-2007 Nonres 6A Int Wall", Layers=layers, DataSource="ASHRAE 90.1-2007", Category="Partition", **kwargs, )
def __add__(self, other): """Overload + to implement self.combine. Args: other (OpaqueConstruction): The other OpaqueConstruction. """ return self.combine(other) def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash((self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, "Name", None))) def __eq__(self, other): """Assert self is equivalent to other.""" if not isinstance(other, OpaqueConstruction): return NotImplemented else: return all([self.Layers == other.Layers]) def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of self.""" new_con = self.__class__(Name=self.Name, Layers=[a for a in self.Layers]) return new_con
[docs] def to_epbunch(self, idf): """Get a Construction EpBunch given an idf model. Notes: Will create layered materials as well. Args: idf (IDF): An idf model to add the EpBunch in. Returns: EpBunch: The EpBunch object added to the idf model. """ return idf.newidfobject( key="CONSTRUCTION", Name=self.Name, Outside_Layer=self.Layers[0].to_epbunch(idf).Name, **{ f"Layer_{i+2}": layer.to_epbunch(idf).Name for i, layer in enumerate(self.Layers[1:]) }, )