Source code for archetypal.template.umi_base

"""archetypal UmiBase module."""

import itertools
import math
import re
from import Hashable, MutableSet

import numpy as np
from validator_collection import validators

from archetypal.utils import lcm

def _resolve_combined_names(predecessors):
    """Creates a unique name from the list of :class:`UmiBase` objects

        predecessors (MetaData):

    # all_names = [obj.Name for obj in predecessors]
    class_ = list(set([obj.__class__.__name__ for obj in predecessors]))[0]

    return "Combined_%s_%s" % (
        str(hash((pre.Name for pre in predecessors))).strip("-"),

def _shorten_name(long_name):
    """Check if name is longer than 300 characters, and return truncated version

        long_name (str): A long name (300 char+) to shorten.
    if len(long_name) > 300:
        # shorten name if longer than 300 characters (limit set by
        # EnergyPlus)
        return long_name[:148] + (long_name[148:] and " .. ")
        return long_name

[docs]class UmiBase(object): """Base class for template objects.""" __slots__ = ( "_id", "_datasource", "_predecessors", "_name", "_category", "_comments", "_allow_duplicates", "_unit_number", ) CREATED_OBJECTS = [] _ids = itertools.count(0) # unique id for each class instance def __init__( self, Name, Category="Uncategorized", Comments="", DataSource=None, allow_duplicates=False, **kwargs, ): """The UmiBase class handles common properties to all Template objects. Args: Name (str): Unique, the name of the object. Category (str): Group objects by assigning the same category identifier. Thies can be any string. Comments (str): A comment displayed in the UmiTemplateLibrary. DataSource (str): A description of the datasource of the object. This helps identify from which data is the current object created. allow_duplicates (bool): If True, this object can be equal to another one if it has a different name. **kwargs: """ self.Name = Name self.Category = Category self.Comments = Comments self.DataSource = DataSource = kwargs.get("id", None) self.allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates self.unit_number = next(self._ids) self.predecessors = None UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS.append(self) @property def Name(self): """Get or set the name of the object.""" return self._name @Name.setter def Name(self, value): self._name = validators.string(value, coerce_value=True) @property def id(self): """Get or set the id.""" return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): if value is None: value = id(self) self._id = validators.string(value, coerce_value=True) @property def DataSource(self): """Get or set the datasource of the object.""" return self._datasource @DataSource.setter def DataSource(self, value): self._datasource = validators.string(value, coerce_value=True, allow_empty=True) @property def Category(self): """Get or set the Category attribute.""" return self._category @Category.setter def Category(self, value): value = validators.string(value, coerce_value=True, allow_empty=True) if value is None: value = "" self._category = value @property def Comments(self): """Get or set the object comments.""" return self._comments @Comments.setter def Comments(self, value): value = validators.string(value, coerce_value=True, allow_empty=True) if value is None: value = "" self._comments = value @property def allow_duplicates(self): """Get or set the use of duplicates [bool].""" return self._allow_duplicates @allow_duplicates.setter def allow_duplicates(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), value self._allow_duplicates = value @property def unit_number(self): return self._unit_number @unit_number.setter def unit_number(self, value): self._unit_number = validators.integer(value) @property def predecessors(self): """Get or set the predecessors of self. Of which objects is self made of. If from nothing else then self, return self. """ if self._predecessors is None: self._predecessors = MetaData([self]) return self._predecessors @predecessors.setter def predecessors(self, value): self._predecessors = value
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get copy of self.""" return self.__copy__()
def _get_predecessors_meta(self, other): """get predecessor objects to self and other Args: other (UmiBase): The other object. """ predecessors = self.predecessors + other.predecessors meta = self.combine_meta(predecessors) return meta def combine_meta(self, predecessors): return { "Name": _resolve_combined_names(predecessors), "Comments": ( "Object composed of a combination of these " "objects:\n{}".format( "\n- ".join(set(obj.Name for obj in predecessors)) ) ), "Category": ", ".join( set( itertools.chain(*[obj.Category.split(", ") for obj in predecessors]) ) ), "DataSource": ", ".join( set( itertools.chain( *[ obj.DataSource.split(", ") for obj in predecessors if obj.DataSource is not None ] ) ) ), } def combine(self, other, allow_duplicates=False): pass
[docs] def rename(self, name): """renames self as well as the cached object Args: name (str): the name. """ self.Name = name
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return UmiBase dictionary representation.""" return {"$id": "{}".format(, "Name": "{}".format(self.Name)}
@classmethod def get_classref(cls, ref): return next( iter( [value for value in UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS if == ref["$ref"]] ), None, ) def get_ref(self, ref): pass def __hash__(self): """Return the hash value of self.""" return hash((self.__class__.mro()[0].__name__, self.Name)) def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of self.""" return ":".join([str(, str(self.Name)]) def __str__(self): """string representation of the object as id:Name""" return self.__repr__() def __iter__(self): """Iterate over attributes. Yields tuple of (keys, value).""" for attr, value in self.mapping().items(): yield attr, value def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of self.""" return self.__class__(**self.mapping(validate=False))
[docs] def to_ref(self): """Return a ref pointer to self.""" return {"$ref": str(}
[docs] def float_mean(self, other, attr, weights=None): """Calculates the average attribute value of two floats. Can provide weights. Args: other (UmiBase): The other UmiBase object to calculate average value with. attr (str): The attribute of the UmiBase object. weights (iterable, optional): Weights of [self, other] to calculate weighted average. """ if getattr(self, attr) is None: return getattr(other, attr) if getattr(other, attr) is None: return getattr(self, attr) # If weights is a list of zeros if not np.array(weights).any(): weights = [1, 1] if not isinstance(getattr(self, attr), list) and not isinstance( getattr(other, attr), list ): if math.isnan(getattr(self, attr)): return getattr(other, attr) elif math.isnan(getattr(other, attr)): return getattr(self, attr) elif math.isnan(getattr(self, attr)) and math.isnan(getattr(other, attr)): raise ValueError("Both values for self and other are Not A Number.") else: return float( np.average( [getattr(self, attr), getattr(other, attr)], weights=weights ) ) elif getattr(self, attr) is None and getattr(other, attr) is None: return None else: # handle arrays by finding the least common multiple of the two arrays and # tiling to the full length; then, apply average self_attr_ = np.array(getattr(self, attr)) other_attr_ = np.array(getattr(other, attr)) l_ = lcm(len(self_attr_), len(other_attr_)) self_attr_ = np.tile(self_attr_, int(l_ / len(self_attr_))) other_attr_ = np.tile(other_attr_, int(l_ / len(other_attr_))) return np.average([self_attr_, other_attr_], weights=weights, axis=0)
def _str_mean(self, other, attr, append=False): """Returns the combined string attributes Args: other (UmiBase): The other UmiBase object to calculate combined string. attr (str): The attribute of the UmiBase object. append (bool): Whether or not the attributes should be combined together. If False, the attribute of self will is used (other is ignored). """ if self is None: return other if other is None: return self # if self has info, but other is none, use self if getattr(self, attr) is not None and getattr(other, attr) is None: return getattr(self, attr) # if self is none, but other is not none, use other elif getattr(self, attr) is None and getattr(other, attr) is not None: return getattr(other, attr) # if both are not note, impose self elif getattr(self, attr) and getattr(other, attr): if append: return getattr(self, attr) + getattr(other, attr) else: return getattr(self, attr) # if both are None, return None else: return None def __iadd__(self, other): """Overload += to implement self.extend. Args: other: """ return UmiBase.extend(self, other, allow_duplicates=True)
[docs] def extend(self, other, allow_duplicates): """Append other to self. Modify and return self. Args: other (UmiBase): Returns: UmiBase: self """ if self is None: return other if other is None: return self self.CREATED_OBJECTS.remove(self) id = new_obj = self.combine(other, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates) = id for key in self.mapping(validate=False): setattr(self, key, getattr(new_obj, key)) return self
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate UmiObjects and fills in missing values.""" return self
[docs] def mapping(self, validate=True): """Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr. Args: validate (bool): If True, try to validate object before returning the mapping. """ if validate: self.validate() return dict(, Name=self.Name, Category=self.Category, Comments=self.Comments, DataSource=self.DataSource, )
[docs] def get_unique(self): """Return first object matching equality in the list of instantiated objects.""" if self.allow_duplicates: # We want to return the first similar object (equality) that has this name. obj = next( iter( sorted( ( x for x in UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS if x == self and x.Name == self.Name and type(x) == type(self) ), key=lambda x: x.unit_number, ) ), self, ) else: # We want to return the first similar object (equality) regardless of the # name. obj = next( iter( sorted( ( x for x in UmiBase.CREATED_OBJECTS if x == self and type(x) == type(self) ), key=lambda x: x.unit_number, ) ), self, ) return obj
class UserSet(Hashable, MutableSet): """UserSet class.""" __hash__ = MutableSet._hash def __init__(self, iterable=()): """Initialize object.""" = set(iterable) def __contains__(self, value): """Assert value is in""" return value in def __iter__(self): """Iterate over""" return iter( def __len__(self): """return len of self.""" return len( def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of self.""" return repr( def __add__(self, other): """Add other to self.""" return self def update(self, other): """Update self with other.""" return self def add(self, item): """Add an item.""" def discard(self, item): """Remove a class if it is currently present.""" class MetaData(UserSet): """Handles data of combined objects such as Name, Comments and other.""" @property def Name(self): """Get object name.""" return "+".join([obj.Name for obj in self]) @property def comments(self): """Get object comments.""" return "Object composed of a combination of these objects:\n{}".format( set(obj.Name for obj in self) ) class UniqueName(str): """Attribute unique user-defined names for :class:`UmiBase`.""" existing = set() def __new__(cls, content): """Pick a name. Will increment the name if already used.""" return str.__new__(cls, cls.create_unique(content)) @classmethod def create_unique(cls, name): """Check if name has already been used. If so, try to increment until not used. Args: name: """ if not name: return None if name not in cls.existing: cls.existing.add(name) return name else: match = re.match(r"^(.*?)(\D*)(\d+)$", name) if match: groups = list(match.groups()) pad = len(groups[-1]) groups[-1] = int(groups[-1]) groups[-1] += 1 groups[-1] = str(groups[-1]).zfill(pad) name = "".join(map(str, groups)) return cls.create_unique(name) else: return cls.create_unique(name + "_1")