Source code for archetypal.zone_graph

import logging as lg
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import matplotlib.collections
import matplotlib.colors
import networkx
import tabulate
from eppy.bunch_subclass import EpBunch
from tqdm import tqdm

from archetypal.plot import save_and_show
from archetypal.template.zonedefinition import is_core, resolve_obco
from archetypal.utils import log

def add_to_report(adj_report, zone, surface, adj_zone, adj_surf, counter):
        adj_report (dict): the report dict to append to.
        zone (EpBunch):
        surface (EpBunch):
        adj_zone (EpBunch):
        adj_surf (EpBunch):
        counter (int): Counter.
    adj_report["Zone Name"].append(zone.Name)
    adj_report["Surface Type"].append(surface["Surface_Type"])
    adj_report["Adjacent Zone"].append(adj_zone["Name"])
    adj_report["Surface Type_"].append(adj_surf["Surface_Type"])

[docs]class ZoneGraph(networkx.Graph): """A subclass of :class:`networkx.Graph`. This class implements useful methods to visualize and navigate a template along the thermal adjacency of its zones. There are currently two methods to visualize the graph: - :func:`plot in 3d <plot_graph3d>` to get a 3-dimensional view of the building. - :func:`plot in 2d <plot_graph2d>` to get a 2-dimensional view of the building zones Note: A Graph stores nodes and edges with optional data, or attributes. Graphs hold undirected edges. Self loops are allowed but multiple (parallel) edges are not. Nodes can be arbitrary (hashable) Python objects with optional key/value attributes. By convention `None` is not used as a node. Edges are represented as links between nodes with optional key/value attributes. """
[docs] @classmethod def from_idf(cls, idf, log_adj_report=True, **kwargs): """Create a graph representation of all the building zones. An edge between two zones represents the adjacency of the two zones. If skeleton is False, this method will create all the building objects iteratively over the building zones. Args: log_adj_report (bool, optional): If True, prints an adjacency report in the log. skeleton (bool, optional): If True, create a zone graph without creating hierarchical objects, eg. zones > zoneloads > ect. force (bool): If True, will recalculate the graph. Returns: ZoneGraph: The building's zone graph object """ start_time = time.time() G = cls( counter = 0 zone: EpBunch for zone in tqdm( idf.idfobjects["ZONE"], desc="zone_loop", position=idf.position, **kwargs ): # initialize the adjacency report dictionary. default list. adj_report = defaultdict(list) zone_obj = None zonesurfaces = zone.zonesurfaces _is_core = is_core(zone) G.add_node(zone.Name, epbunch=zone, core=_is_core, zone=zone_obj) for surface in zonesurfaces: if surface.key.upper() in ["INTERNALMASS", "WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL"]: # Todo deal with internal mass surfaces pass else: adj_zone: EpBunch adj_surf: EpBunch adj_surf, adj_zone = resolve_obco(surface) if adj_zone and adj_surf: counter += 1 zone_obj = None _is_core = is_core(zone) # create node for adjacent zone G.add_node( zone.Name, epbunch=adj_zone, core=_is_core, zone=zone_obj ) try: this_cstr = surface["Construction_Name"] their_cstr = adj_surf["Construction_Name"] is_diff_cstr = ( surface["Construction_Name"] != adj_surf["Construction_Name"] ) except: this_cstr, their_cstr, is_diff_cstr = None, None, None # create edge from this zone to the adjacent zone G.add_edge( zone.Name, adj_zone.Name, this_cstr=this_cstr, their_cstr=their_cstr, is_diff_cstr=is_diff_cstr, ) add_to_report( adj_report, zone, surface, adj_zone, adj_surf, counter ) else: pass if log_adj_report: msg = "Printing Adjacency Report for zone %s\n" % zone.Name msg += tabulate.tabulate(adj_report, headers="keys") log(msg) log("Created zone graph in {:,.2f} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) log(, lg.DEBUG) return G
def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr): """Initialize a graph with edges, name, or graph attributes. Wrapper around the :class:`networkx.Graph` class. Args: incoming_graph_data: input graph (optional, default: None) Data to initialize graph. If None (default) an empty graph is created. The data can be an edge list, or any NetworkX graph object. If the corresponding optional Python packages are installed the data can also be a NumPy matrix or 2d ndarray, a SciPy sparse matrix, or a PyGraphviz graph. attr: keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes) Attributes to add to graph as key=value pairs. """ super(ZoneGraph, self).__init__(incoming_graph_data=incoming_graph_data, **attr)
[docs] def plot_graph3d( self, fig_height=None, fig_width=6, save=False, show=True, close=False, ax=None, axis_off=False, cmap="plasma", dpi=300, file_format="png", azim=-60, elev=30, proj_type="persp", filename=None, annotate=False, plt_style="ggplot", ): """Plot the :class:`archetypal.template.ZoneGraph` in a 3D plot. The size of the node is relative to its :func:``. The node degree is the number of edges adjacent to the node. The nodes are positioned in 3d space according to the mean value of the surfaces centroids. For concave volumes, this corresponds to the center of gravity of the volume. Some weird positioning can occur for convex volumes. Todo: Create an Example Args: fig_height (float): matplotlib figure height in inches. fig_width (float): matplotlib figure width in inches. save (bool): if True, save the figure as an image file to disk. show (bool): if True, show the figure. close (bool): close the figure (only if show equals False) to prevent display. ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, optional): An existing axes object on which to plot this graph. axis_off (bool): If True, turn off the matplotlib axis. cmap (str): The name a registered :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`. dpi (int): the resolution of the image file if saving. file_format (str): the format of the file to save (e.g., 'jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf') azim (float): Azimuthal viewing angle, defaults to -60. elev (float): Elevation viewing angle, defaults to 30. proj_type (str): Type of projection, accepts 'persp' and 'ortho'. filename (str): the name of the file if saving. annotate (bool or str or tuple): If True, annotates the node with the Zone Name. Pass an EpBunch *field_name* to retrieve data from the zone EpBunch. Pass a tuple (data, key) to retrieve data from the graph: eg. ('core', None) will retrieve the attribute 'core' associated to the node. The second tuple element serves as a key on the first: G.nodes(data=data)[key]. plt_style (str, dict, or list): A style specification. Valid options are: - str: The name of a style or a path/URL to a style file. For a list of available style names, see `style.available` . - dict: Dictionary with valid key/value pairs for :attr:`matplotlib.rcParams`. - list: A list of style specifiers (str or dict) applied from first to last in the list. Returns: fig, ax: fig, ax """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D def avg(zone: EpBunch): """calculate the zone centroid coordinates""" x_, y_, z_, dem = 0, 0, 0, 0 from geomeppy.geom.polygons import Polygon3D, Vector3D from import translate_coords ggr = zone.theidf.idfobjects["GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES"][0] for surface in zone.zonesurfaces: if surface.key.upper() in ["INTERNALMASS", "WINDOWSHADINGCONTROL"]: pass else: dem += 1 # Counter for average calc at return if ggr.Coordinate_System.lower() == "relative": # add zone origin to surface coordinates and create # Polygon3D from updated coords. zone = zone.theidf.getobject("ZONE", surface.Zone_Name) poly3d = Polygon3D(surface.coords) origin = (zone.X_Origin, zone.Y_Origin, zone.Z_Origin) coords = translate_coords(poly3d, Vector3D(*origin)) poly3d = Polygon3D(coords) else: # Polygon3D from surface coords poly3d = Polygon3D(surface.coords) x, y, z = poly3d.centroid x_ += x y_ += y z_ += z return x_ / dem, y_ / dem, z_ / dem # Get node positions in a dictionary pos = {name: avg(epbunch) for name, epbunch in self.nodes(data="epbunch")} # Get the maximum number of edges adjacent to a single node edge_max = max(1, max([[i] for i in self.nodes])) # min = 1 # Define color range proportional to number of edges adjacent to a # single node colors = { i:[i] / edge_max) for i in self.nodes } labels = {} if annotate: # annotate can be bool or str. if isinstance(annotate, bool): # if True, default to 'Name' field annotate = "Name" if isinstance(annotate, str): # create dict of the form {id: (x, y, z, label, zdir)}. zdir is # None by default. labels = { name: (*pos[name], data[annotate], None) for name, data in self.nodes(data="epbunch") } if isinstance(annotate, tuple): data, key = annotate if key: labels = { name: (*pos[name], data[key], None) for name, data in self.nodes(data=data) } else: labels = { name: (*pos[name], data, None) for name, data in self.nodes(data=data) } # 3D network plot with if fig_height is None: fig_height = fig_width if ax: fig = plt.gcf() else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), dpi=dpi) ax = Axes3D(fig) # Loop on the pos dictionary to extract the x,y,z coordinates of # each node for key, value in pos.items(): xi = value[0] yi = value[1] zi = value[2] # Scatter plot ax.scatter( xi, yi, zi, color=colors[key], s=20 + 20 *[key], edgecolors="k", alpha=0.7, ) if annotate: # Add node label ax.text(*labels[key], fontsize=4) # Loop on the list of edges to get the x,y,z, coordinates of the # connected nodes # Those two points are the extrema of the line to be plotted for i, j in enumerate(self.edges()): x = np.array((pos[j[0]][0], pos[j[1]][0])) y = np.array((pos[j[0]][1], pos[j[1]][1])) z = np.array((pos[j[0]][2], pos[j[1]][2])) # Plot the connecting lines ax.plot(x, y, z, c="black", alpha=0.5) # Set the initial view ax.view_init(elev, azim) ax.set_proj_type(proj_type) # Hide the axes if axis_off: ax.set_axis_off() if filename is None: filename = "unnamed" fig, ax = save_and_show( fig=fig, ax=ax, save=save, show=show, close=close, filename=filename, file_format=file_format, dpi=dpi, axis_off=axis_off, extent=None, ) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_graph2d( self, layout_function, *func_args, color_nodes=None, fig_height=None, fig_width=6, node_labels_to_integers=False, legend=False, with_labels=True, arrows=True, save=False, show=True, close=False, ax=None, axis_off=False, cmap="plasma", dpi=300, file_format="png", filename="unnamed", plt_style="ggplot", extent="tight", **kwargs, ): """Plot the adjacency of the zones as a graph. Choose a layout from the :mod:`networkx.drawing.layout` module, the :mod:`Graphviz AGraph (dot)<networkx.drawing.nx_agraph>` module, the :mod:`Graphviz with pydot<networkx.drawing.nx_pydot>` module. Then, plot the graph using matplotlib using the :mod:`networkx.drawing.py_lab` Examples: >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = BuildingTemplate().from_idf >>> G.plot_graph2d(nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout, ('dot'), >>> font_color='w', legend=True, font_size=8, >>> color_nodes='core', >>> node_labels_to_integers=True, >>> plt_style='seaborn', save=True, >>> filename='test') Args: layout_function (func): One of the networkx layout functions. *func_args: The layout function arguments as a tuple. The first argument (self) is already supplied. color_nodes (bool or str): False by default. If a string is passed the nodes are colored according to a data attribute of the graph. By default, the original node names is accessed with the 'name' attribute. fig_height (float): matplotlib figure height in inches. fig_width (float): matplotlib figure width in inches. node_labels_to_integers: legend: with_labels (bool, optional): Set to True to draw labels on the arrows (bool, optional): If True, draw arrowheads. Note: Arrows will be the same color as edges. save (bool): if True, save the figure as an image file to disk. show (bool): if True, show the figure. close (bool): close the figure (only if show equals False) to prevent display. ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, optional): An existing axes object on which to plot this graph. axis_off (bool): If True, turn off the matplotlib axis. cmap (str): The name a registered :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`. dpi (int): the resolution of the image file if saving. file_format (str): the format of the file to save (e.g., 'jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf') filename (str): the name of the file if saving. plt_style (str, dict, or list): A style specification. Valid options are: - str: The name of a style or a path/URL to a style file. For a list of available style names, see `style.available` . - dict: Dictionary with valid key/value pairs for :attr:`matplotlib.rcParams`. - list: A list of style specifiers (str or dict) applied from first to last in the list. extent: **kwargs: keywords passed to :func:`networkx.draw_networkx` Returns: (tuple): The fig and ax objects """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for draw()") except RuntimeError: log("Matplotlib unable to open display", lg.WARNING) raise G = self.copy() if node_labels_to_integers: G = networkx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G, label_attribute="name") tree = networkx.dfs_tree(G) pos = layout_function(tree, *func_args) with if ax: fig = plt.gcf() else: if fig_height is None: fig_height = fig_width fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(fig_width, fig_height), dpi=dpi) if isinstance(color_nodes, str): from itertools import count groups = set(networkx.get_node_attributes(G, color_nodes).values()) mapping = dict(zip(sorted(groups), count())) colors = [mapping[G.nodes[n][color_nodes]] for n in tree.nodes] colors = [discrete_cmap(len(groups), cmap).colors[i] for i in colors] font_color = kwargs.pop("font_color", None) font_size = kwargs.pop("font_size", None) paths_ = [] for nt in tree: # choose nodes and color for each iteration nlist = [nt] label = getattr(nt, "Name", nt) if color_nodes: node_color = [colors[nt]] else: node_color = "#1f78b4" # draw the graph sc = networkx.draw_networkx_nodes( tree, pos=pos, nodelist=nlist, ax=ax, node_color=node_color, label=label, cmap=cmap, node_size=kwargs.pop("node_size", 300), node_shape=kwargs.pop("node_shape", "o"), alpha=kwargs.get("alpha", None), vmin=kwargs.get("vmin", None), vmax=kwargs.get("vmax", None), linewidths=kwargs.get("linewidths", None), edgecolors=kwargs.get("linewidths", None), ) paths_.extend(sc.get_paths()) scatter = matplotlib.collections.PathCollection(paths_) networkx.draw_networkx_edges(tree, pos, ax=ax, arrows=arrows, **kwargs) if with_labels: networkx.draw_networkx_labels( G, pos, font_color=font_color, font_size=font_size, **kwargs, ) if legend: bbox = kwargs.get("bbox_to_anchor", (1, 1)) legend1 = ax.legend( title=color_nodes, bbox_to_anchor=bbox, markerscale=0.5 ) ax.add_artist(legend1) # clear axis ax.axis("off") fig, ax = save_and_show( fig=fig, ax=ax, save=save, show=show, close=close, filename=filename, file_format=file_format, dpi=dpi, axis_off=axis_off, extent=extent, ) return fig, ax
@property def core_graph(self): """Returns a copy of the ZoneGraph containing only core zones""" nodes = [i for i, data in self.nodes(data="core") if data] H = self.subgraph(nodes).copy() = "Core_" + return H @property def perim_graph(self): """Returns a copy of the ZoneGraph containing only perimeter zones""" nodes = [i for i, data in self.nodes(data="core") if not data] H = self.subgraph(nodes).copy() = "Perim_" + return H
[docs] def info(self, node=None): """Print short summary of information for the graph or the node n. Args: node (any hashable): A node in the graph """ return log(, n=node))
def discrete_cmap(N, base_cmap=None): """Create an N-bin discrete colormap from the specified input map Args: N: base_cmap: """ # Note that if base_cmap is a string or None, you can simply do # return, N) # The following works for string, None, or a colormap instance: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.core.function_base import linspace base = color_list = base(linspace(0, 1, N)) cmap_name = + str(N) return matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(color_list, cmap_name, N)