
class archetypal.template.VentilationSetting(Name, Infiltration=0.1, IsInfiltrationOn=True, IsNatVentOn=False, NatVentSchedule=None, IsWindOn=False, IsBuoyancyOn=True, NatVentMaxOutdoorAirTemp=30, NatVentMaxRelHumidity=90, NatVentMinOutdoorAirTemp=0, NatVentZoneTempSetpoint=18, ScheduledVentilationAch=0.6, ScheduledVentilationSchedule=None, ScheduledVentilationSetpoint=18, IsScheduledVentilationOn=False, VentilationType=VentilationType.Exhaust, Afn=False, area=1, volume=1, **kwargs)[source]

Zone Ventilation Settings.


Initialize a new VentilationSetting (for zone) object.

  • NatVentSchedule (UmiSchedule) – The name of the schedule (Day | Week | Year) which ultimately modifies the Opening Area value. In its current implementation, any value greater than 0 will consider an open window.

  • ScheduledVentilationSchedule (UmiSchedule, optional) – The name of the schedule (Schedules Tab) that modifies the maximum design volume flow rate. This fraction is between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • Afn (bool) – Todo: Not Used.

  • Infiltration (float) – Infiltration rate in ACH.

  • IsBuoyancyOn (bool) – If True, simulation takes into account the stack effect in the infiltration calculation

  • IsInfiltrationOn (bool) – If yes, there is heat transfer between the building and the outside caused by infiltration.

  • IsNatVentOn (bool) – If True, Natural ventilation (air movement/exchange as a result of openings in the building façade not consuming any fan energy).

  • IsScheduledVentilationOn (bool) – If True, Ventilation (flow of air from the outdoor environment directly into a thermal zone) is ON

  • IsWindOn (bool) – If True, simulation takes into account the wind effect in the infiltration calculation

  • NatVentMaxOutdoorAirTemp (float) – The outdoor temperature (in Celsius) above which ventilation is shut off. The minimum value for this field is -100.0°C and the maximum value is 100.0°C. The default value is 100.0°C if the field is left blank. This upper temperature limit is intended to avoid overheating a space, which could result in a cooling load.

  • NatVentMaxRelHumidity (float) – Defines the dehumidifying relative humidity setpoint, expressed as a percentage (0-100), for each timestep of the simulation.

  • NatVentMinOutdoorAirTemp (float) – The outdoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shut off. The minimum value for this field is -100.0°C and the maximum value is 100.0°C. The default value is -100.0°C if the field is left blank. This lower temperature limit is intended to avoid overcooling a space, which could result in a heating load.

  • NatVentZoneTempSetpoint (float) –

  • ScheduledVentilationAch (float) – This factor, along with the Zone Volume, will be used to determine the Design Flow Rate.

  • ScheduledVentilationSetpoint (float) – The indoor temperature (in Celsius) below which ventilation is shutoff. The minimum value for this field is -100.0°C and the maximum value is 100.0°C. The default value is -100.0°C if the field is left blank. This lower temperature limit is intended to avoid overcooling a space and thus result in a heating load. For example, if the user specifies a minimum temperature of 20°C, ventilation is assumed to be available if the zone air temperature is above 20°C. If the zone air temperature drops below 20°C, then ventilation is automatically turned off.

  • VentilationType (int) – This alpha character string defines the type of ventilation as one of the following options: Natural, Exhaust, Intake, or Balanced. Natural ventilation is assumed to be air movement/exchange as a result of openings in the building façade and will not consume any fan energy. Values for fan pressure and efficiency for natural ventilation are ignored. For either Exhaust or Intake, values for fan pressure and efficiency define the fan electric consumption. For Natural and Exhaust ventilation, the conditions of the air entering the space are assumed to be equivalent to outside air conditions. For Intake and Balanced ventilation, an appropriate amount of fan heat is added to the entering air stream. For Balanced ventilation, both an intake fan and an exhaust fan are assumed to co-exist, both having the same flow rate and power consumption (using the entered values for fan pressure rise and fan total efficiency). Thus, the fan electric consumption for Balanced ventilation is twice that for the Exhaust or Intake ventilation types which employ only a single fan.

  • **kwargs – keywords passed to the constructor.

property NatVentSchedule

Get or set the natural ventilation schedule.


This schedule ultimately modifies the Opening Area value.

property ScheduledVentilationSchedule

Get or set the scheduled ventilation schedule.

property Infiltration

Get or set the infiltration air change rate [ach].

property IsInfiltrationOn

Get or set the the infiltration [bool].

property IsBuoyancyOn

Get or set the buoyancy boolean.

property IsNatVentOn

Get or set the natural ventilation [bool].

property IsScheduledVentilationOn

Get or set the scheduled ventilation [bool].

property IsWindOn

Get or set the wind effect [bool].

property NatVentMaxOutdoorAirTemp

Get or set the natural ventilation maximum outdoor air temperature [degC].

property NatVentMaxRelHumidity

Get or set the natural ventilation relative humidity setpoint [%].

property NatVentMinOutdoorAirTemp

Get or set the natural ventilation minimum outdoor air temperature [degC].

property Category

Get or set the Category attribute.

property Comments

Get or set the object comments.

property DataSource

Get or set the datasource of the object.

property Name

Get or set the name of the object.

property allow_duplicates

Get or set the use of duplicates [bool].

extend(other, allow_duplicates)

Append other to self. Modify and return self.


other (UmiBase) –



Return type


float_mean(other, attr, weights=None)

Calculates the average attribute value of two floats. Can provide weights.

  • other (UmiBase) – The other UmiBase object to calculate average value with.

  • attr (str) – The attribute of the UmiBase object.

  • weights (iterable, optional) – Weights of [self, other] to calculate weighted average.


Return first object matching equality in the list of instantiated objects.

property id

Get or set the id.

property predecessors

Get or set the predecessors of self.

Of which objects is self made of. If from nothing else then self, return self.


renames self as well as the cached object


name (str) – the name.


Return a ref pointer to self.

property NatVentZoneTempSetpoint

Get or set the natural ventilation zone temperature setpoint [degC].

property ScheduledVentilationAch

Get or set the scheduled ventilation air changes per hours [-].

property ScheduledVentilationSetpoint

Get or set the scheduled ventilation setpoint.

property VentilationType

Get or set the ventilation type.

Choices are (<VentilationType.Natural: 0>, <VentilationType.Intake: 1>, <VentilationType.Exhaust: 2>, <VentilationType.Balanced: 3>).

property Afn

Get or set the use of the airflow network [bool].

property area

Get or set the area of the zone [m²].

property volume

Get or set the volume of the zone [m³].

classmethod from_dict(data, schedules, **kwargs)[source]

Create a VentilationSetting from a dictionary.

  • data (dict) – The python dictionary.

  • schedules (dict) – A dictionary of UmiSchedules with their id as keys.

  • **kwargs – keywords passed parent constructor.

  "$id": "162",
  "Afn": false,
  "IsBuoyancyOn": true,
  "Infiltration": 0.35,
  "IsInfiltrationOn": true,
  "IsNatVentOn": false,
  "IsScheduledVentilationOn": false,
  "NatVentMaxRelHumidity": 80.0,
  "NatVentMaxOutdoorAirTemp": 26.0,
  "NatVentMinOutdoorAirTemp": 20.0,
  "NatVentSchedule": {
    "$ref": "151"
  "NatVentZoneTempSetpoint": 22.0,
  "ScheduledVentilationAch": 0.6,
  "ScheduledVentilationSchedule": {
    "$ref": "151"
  "ScheduledVentilationSetpoint": 22.0,
  "IsWindOn": false,
  "Category": "Office Spaces",
  "Comments": null,
  "DataSource": "MIT_SDL",
  "Name": "B_Off_0 ventilation"

Return VentilationSetting dictionary representation.

combine(other, **kwargs)[source]

Combine VentilationSetting objects together.


the combined VentilationSetting object.

Return type



Validate object and fill in missing values.


Get a dict based on the object properties, useful for dict repr.




Get copy of self.

to_epbunch(idf, zone_name, opening_area=0.0)[source]

Convert self to the EpBunches given an idf model, a zone name.


Note that attr:IsInfiltrationOn, attr:IsScheduledVentilationOn and attr:IsNatVentOn must be True for their respective EpBunch objects to be created.

  • idf (IDF) – The idf model in which the EpBunch is created.

  • zone_name (str) – The zone name to associate this EpBunch.

  • opening_area (float) – The opening area exposed to outdoors (m2) in a zone.

    Zone Infiltration,        !- Name
    Zone 1,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
    AlwaysOn,                 !- Schedule Name
    AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
    ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
    ,                         !- Flow per Zone Floor Area
    ,                         !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area
    0.1,                      !- Air Changes per Hour
    1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
    0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
    0;                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

     Zone 1 Ventilation,       !- Name
     Zone 1,                   !- Zone or ZoneList Name
     AlwaysOn,                 !- Schedule Name
     AirChanges/Hour,          !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
     ,                         !- Design Flow Rate
     ,                         !- Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area
     ,                         !- Flow Rate per Person
     0.6,                      !- Air Changes per Hour
     Exhaust,                  !- Ventilation Type
     67,                       !- Fan Pressure Rise
     0.7,                      !- Fan Total Efficiency
     1,                        !- Constant Term Coefficient
     0,                        !- Temperature Term Coefficient
     0,                        !- Velocity Term Coefficient
     0,                        !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
     -100,                     !- Minimum Indoor Temperature
     ,                         !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
     100,                      !- Maximum Indoor Temperature
     ,                         !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
     -100,                     !- Delta Temperature
     ,                         !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
     -100,                     !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature
     ,                         !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
     100,                      !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature
     ,                         !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
     40;                       !- Maximum Wind Speed)

    ,                         !- Name
    ,                         !- Zone Name
    0,                        !- Opening Area
    ,                         !- Opening Area Fraction Schedule Name
    Autocalculate,            !- Opening Effectiveness
    0,                        !- Effective Angle
    0,                        !- Height Difference
    Autocalculate,            !- Discharge Coefficient for Opening
    -100,                     !- Minimum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Indoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Delta Temperature
    ,                         !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
    -100,                     !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Minimum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    100,                      !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature
    ,                         !- Maximum Outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
    40;                       !- Maximum Wind Speed

A 3-tuple of EpBunch objects added to the idf model.

Return type
